Some nice C++ string functions

Published December 26, 2007
I just thought I'd post some code that has built up over the last few days as I have been working on my game framework. Below is a load of cool little string methods which act/look like the Python string methods. There may be some bugs but they seem to work OK. Let me know what you think...

Usage:string s = "Hello world";vector words = strings::split(s);//words now contains "Hello" and "world"string s = "1.0";float f = strings::toFloat(s);//f now holds 1.0string s = "#some comment";if (strings::startsWith(s, "#")) {   continue; //This if statement will be entered}etc.

#ifndef STRING_H_INCLUDED#define STRING_H_INCLUDED#include #include using std::string;using std::vector;namespace strings {	bool startsWith(const string& s, const string& s2);	bool endsWith(const string& s, const string& s2);	vector split(string str, string delim = " ");	void ljust(string& s, uint length, char padChar = ' ');	void rjust(string& s, uint length, char padChar = ' ');	string strip(const string& s);	void replace(string& s, const string& find, const string& replace);	float toFloat(const string& s);	int toInt(const string& s);	int findCountOf(const string& s, const string& word);}#endif // STRING_H_INCLUDED

#include #include #include #include using std::string;using std::vector;using std::istringstream;namespace strings {		/**			Returns true if s starts with the string s2		*/		bool startsWith(const string& s, const string& s2) {			return s.find(s2) == 0;		}		/**			Returns true if s ends with the string s2		*/		bool endsWith(const string& s, const string& s2) {			return s.find_last_of(s2) == (s.length() - s2.length());		}		/**			Splits a string on the delimeter and returns each part in a			vector.		*/		vector split(string str, string delim = " ") {			string::size_type cutAt;			vector results;			while( (cutAt = str.find_first_of(delim)) != string::npos ) {				if(cutAt > 0) {					results.push_back(str.substr(0,cutAt));				}				str = str.substr(cutAt+1);			}			if (str.length() > 0) {				results.push_back(str);			}			return results;		}		/**			Adds padding characters to the left of a string until			the string is a certain length. If the string is longer			than the length passed then the string is left unchanged		*/		void ljust(string& s, uint length, char padChar = ' ') {			std::string::difference_type whitespace = length - s.size();			if (whitespace > 0)				s = s + string (whitespace, padChar);			return s;		}		void rjust(string& s, uint length, char padChar = ' ') {			std::string::difference_type whitespace = length - s.size();			if (whitespace > 0)				s = string (whitespace, padChar) + s;		}		/**			Strips spaces from the beginning and end of a string		*/		string strip(const string& s) {			string sep = " ";			const std::string::size_type first = s.find_first_not_of(sep);			return (first == std::string::npos) ? s : s.substr(first, s.find_last_not_of(sep) - first + 1);		}		/**			Replace occurrances of 'find' with 'replace' in 's'		*/		void replace(string& s, const string& find, const string& replace) {			string::size_type j;			for (; (j = s.find(find)) != string::npos;) {				s.replace(j, find.length(), replace);			}		}		/**			Attempts a type-safe cast from string to float, throws			a std::runtime_error on failure		*/		float toFloat(const string& s) {			float result;			istringstream iss(s);			if ((iss >> std::dec >> result).fail()) {				throw std::runtime_error("Error converting string to float");			}			return result;		}		/**			Attempts a type-safe cast from string to integer, throws			a std::runtime_error on failure		*/		int toInt(const string& s) {			int result;			istringstream iss(s);			if ((iss >> std::dec >> result).fail()) {				throw std::runtime_error("Error converting string to integer");			}			return result;		}		/**			Find the number of occurances of a word in a string (s)		*/		int findCountOf(const string& s, const string& word) {			   int count = 0;			   string::size_type wordPos = 0;			   while (wordPos != string::npos) {					wordPos = s.find(word, wordPos);					if (wordPos != string::npos) {						++count;						// start next search after this word						wordPos += word.length();					}			   }			   return count;		}}

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December 26, 2007 09:31 AM
why not? I thought they may be useful to someone. They are certainly useful to me when parsing text files such as Wavefront object models, ini files etc.
December 26, 2007 11:00 AM
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