2D movement velocity from an initial degree?

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1 comment, last by SikCiv 24 years, 1 month ago
My 2D platformer has things that can shoot in ANY direction, i.e. 360 degrees. Every buttet has its own struct as follows... typedef struct bullet { float XPos, YPos;(move by XVel and YVel) float XVel, YVel;(stay the same after shooting) float shootVel;(Num of pixels the bullet moves every 10ms) etc.. } The bullets'' position needs to be updated every 10ms by a constant velocity of 6.0f pixels (the shootVel) in any direction. What I need is a way to convert the degree of the initial shooting to the buttets'' x and y velocities. My code is as follows.. at every 10ms { bullet.XPos += bullet.XVel; bullet.YPos += bullet.YVel; bullet->blit(); } So if i shoot at a degree of 70, the xvel would be about 5.7f and the yvel would be about .04f. Or if I shoot at 180 (straight down), XVel = 0, YVel = 6.0f. How do I calculate the required velocities mathematically?

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Radians = Degrees * Pi / 180.0;
Velocity.X = Speed * cos(Radians);
Velocity.Y = Speed * -sin(Radians);

That''s the algorithm if 0 degrees is right and 90 degrees is up.

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Simple trigonometry. But 180 degrees on the unit circle doesnt point down, it points to the left.

bullet.XVel = bullet.shootVel * cos(angle)
bullet.YVel = bullet.shootVel * sin(angle)

note that this is pseudocode; in real code, cos() takes radians not degrees, but converting between the two is trivial.

xvel = 6 * cos(70)
xvel = 6 * 0.342
xvel = 2.052

yvel = 6 * sin(70)
yvel = 6 * 0.939
yvel = 5.634

so in that frame, your bullet moves 2 pixels right and 6 pixels up

oops, I forgot that you need to compensate for the inversed y direction on the monitor by using -sin() instead of just sin()

Edited by - foofightr on 3/22/00 12:50:38 AM

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