My head is spinning

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10 comments, last by SteveBe 21 years, 7 months ago
I''m trying to get my head around recursion and not having much luck. Can someone point to a really good online tutuorial for recursion??
Sorry no links, but here is an example:

long Factorial(long p_num)
if (p_num == 1)
return 1;
return p_num * Factorial(p_num - 1);

Factorial(5) returns 5*4*3*2*1 = uh, ... 120.

Recursion in general has a stopping point (return 1) and a point where it calls itself again that leads to the stopping point (Factorial(p_num - 1))

Another good example of recursion is tree parsing routines. They call themselves again with the next node to go to, and stop the parse when the next node is NULL.

[edited by - Waverider on August 22, 2002 11:05:52 AM]
It's not what you're taught, it's what you learn.
A recursive method calls itself as long as a stop condition is not true.

The most important with recursive calls are:

* A stop condition.
The algorithm must have a goal.

* Change of input data.
A childinstance should operate on "Data+1/Data-1"

Don't read so much about them. Try them, blow the stack a few times (i know that sounds dirty...) and learn.

Bottomline. A method that calls itself:

This doesn't work since the never ending calls will blow the stack.

function BlowStack;
result BlockStack;

However this will:

function StopAtFive(Value: Integer);
var Val: Integer;
Val := Value + 1;
If Value = 5 then

[edited by - ekas78 on August 23, 2002 3:49:20 PM]
______________________________Only dead fish go with the main-stream.
To my understanding, any recursive algorithm can be written iteratively (using a loop). But sometimes they''re just soooooooooooo elegant I suggest breaking a few brain-cells and understanding them before thinking iteratively about everything. reasoning about all of them written iteratively is Dijkstra''s proof that all programs can be written with goto and coniditional statements. I could be wrong, but I don''t think so
People fear what they don''t understand, hate what they can''t conquer!
There''s no reason a recursive function can''t be written iteratively. All it should take is a bit of work with a stack, and you should be able to rewrite any recursive function. The only question is whether it''s a good thing or not; in some cases recursive functions could turn out being better in the long run (as well as more elegant).
recursion is the same as ITERATIVE exectution, PLUS a stack. To rewrite a recursive algorithm iterativly requires the presence of a stack to keep temporary values in (which recursion uses, but hides in the CALL STACK).

The best USEFUL examples of recursion I can think of are Tree Traversal.

For Example, if you wanted to print out a binary tree, here''s a recursive algorithm to do it, in different orders.

  void PrintTree_PostOrder(Node *currentNode)  {  if(Node != 0)    {    PrintTree_PostOrder(currentNode->LeftChild());    PrintTree_PostOrder(currentNode->RightChild());    currentNode->Print();    }  // else is the stop case  }void PrintTree_PreOrder(Node *currentNode)  {  if(Node != 0)    {    currentNode->Print();    PrintTree_PostOrder(currentNode->LeftChild());    PrintTree_PostOrder(currentNode->RightChild());    }  // else is the stop case  }void PrintTree_InOrder(Node *currentNode)  {  if(Node != 0)    {    PrintTree_PostOrder(currentNode->LeftChild());    currentNode->Print();    PrintTree_PostOrder(currentNode->RightChild());    }  // else is the stop case  }  

see how cool that is ... you get 3 really simple, really useful functions, all obsurdly easy to understand and debug because you have written them recursively.

Good Luck

      int factorial(x){  int prod;  if(x <= 0) prod = 1;  else prod = x * factorial( x-1 );  return prod;}      



[edited by - Like2Byte on August 23, 2002 4:41:21 PM]

[edited by - Like2Byte on August 23, 2002 4:41:51 PM]
- Advice, eh? Well, besides working on your know, besides that...I'd have to think.
Recursive algos are (often) not that easy to debug.
Your example is straight from CS-101 (so was mine). Which is fairly easy...Have you ever tried to trace a (large) recursive method that branch into other recursive methods(say a rd parser)? That's pure hell right there..

[edited by - ekas78 on August 23, 2002 9:38:04 PM]
______________________________Only dead fish go with the main-stream.
Recursion: See Recursion

(sorry ...)
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
I''ll try to explain recursion by showing the differences between the iterative and recursion repeative components.

A Repeatitve Process''s Components include:

Initialization: (The repeative structure''s start state)
Iterative - requires a variable that is modified/monitored within the loop
Recursion - requires parameters that are modified by the function

Modification: (Update the repeative structure''s current state)
Iterative - is done inside the loop
Recursion - must be done before the function calls itself

Termination condition: (test the structure''s state for continuing or exiting)
Iterative - can be tested at the start or end of the loop
Recursion - must be tested before any processing

First, when using recursion always make sure the termination condition testing is 100%. Secondly, ensure that the function will not call itself too many times because it could blow the stack.

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