why cant i mipmap?(d3d7)

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-1 comments, last by youngo 24 years ago
anyone know any articles or tutorials on mipmapping with d3d7? i cant do this.. whats wrong with this.. (im trying to fill in the mipmaps with the same bitmap) int mp[] = {255, 128, 64, 32,16}; for (int cc = 1; cc < 3; cc++) { DDSCAPS2 ddsCaps; ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_TEXTURE / DDSCAPS_MIPMAP; ddsCaps.dwCaps2 = 0; ddsCaps.dwCaps3 = 0; ddsCaps.dwCaps4 = 0; if( SUCCEEDED( pddsTexture->GetAttachedSurface( &ddsCaps, &pddsTexture ) ) ) pddsTexture->Release(); HDC hdcBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC( NULL ); if( NULL == hdcBitmap ) { pddsTexture->Release(); return NULL; } SelectObject( hdcBitmap, hbm ); // Get a DC for the surface HDC hdcTexture; if( SUCCEEDED( pddsTexture->GetDC( &hdcTexture ) ) ) { BitBlt( hdcTexture, 0, 0, mp[cc], mp[cc], hdcBitmap, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); pddsTexture->ReleaseDC( hdcTexture ); } DeleteDC( hdcBitmap );

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