algortims for making circles in opengl

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3 comments, last by madmax22e 24 years ago
is there a way to make a circle out of triangles in opengl. i figure if the vertices are close enough it could look like a circle. any help would be appreciated
use GL_TRIANGLE FAN. start with a center point, and then plot however many points you want in r*cos(angle) and r*sin(angle) fashion, where those two cos/sin statements are the x,y coords, and r is the radius.
------------------General Equation, this is Private Function reporting for duty, sir!a2k
Im not sure exactly what you mean by that, could you maybe show the a sample of actual code that would do all that you said. thanks

(this is pseudocode, cuz i'm not sure if it'll compile, but i'll try to make it almost code.)

#define DTR //degrees to radians (2pi/360)

GLfloat center[2] = {30,30};
GLfloat radius = 10.0;

glVertex2d(center[0], center[1]);
for (int angle = 0; angle <=360; angle ++)
glVertex2d(center[0] + (radius * cos(angle * DTR)),
center[1] + (radius * sin(angle * DTR));


// this code should render a circle with a refinement of
// every degree out of 360. i don't think you necessarily
// need a refinement of 360 degrees, but if not, just
//change the increment value of angle by a factor of 360.


Edited by - a2k on 4/19/00 8:06:26 PM

Edited by - a2k on 4/19/00 8:12:08 PM

Edited by - a2k on 4/19/00 8:13:38 PM
------------------General Equation, this is Private Function reporting for duty, sir!a2k
Well, there is that gelDrawPerfectAss() function in OpenGEL...

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