is the last time, i swear,,,

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1 comment, last by MASARANDUBA 23 years, 11 months ago
i starting to feel bad every time that i post is because i having some problem with my computer... well until two months ago i don´t have a computer so i was using my mom´s computers so to prevent troubles with her we made user of windows multiple users (that thing that make the computer have multiple works areas) but now i don´t need it more and i want to make my mom work area the defaut area ( the one that apears when you press cancel in log window)but i don´t know how make this... anyone know it???? -i make you XT into a PENTIUM 3 using only a hair clip...
Try just getting rid of your user stuff.

If you code it, they will come...

Commander M
Change the password that your Mom''s account uses to blank. When you logon as your Mom, windows will treat that as the default. After that, you should be able to delete your stuff (c:\windows\profiles\... I think). There will also be a password file (.pwl, I think) that you can delete.


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