Simple spinning cube with GUI.

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-1 comments, last by Sphet 23 years, 11 months ago
So.. I''m not so hot at 3D stuff. I''ve built up a GUI and some other things in a 2D environment, and now, of all things, I need a spinning cube that can change colour and size. Currently I have a prerendered animation but I think using a 3D api instead of this would make sense. What are my options of integrating Direct3D into my project? Can someone point me in the right direction for getting started with this? I''m looking for all the details on projections and viewports and such. Can I make a cube render to a 200 x 200 pixel area on the screen but still update the rest of the scene with DirectDraw''s 2D blitting? Since I am not using massive amounts of 3D can I change the render state from 2D to 3D each frame? Any thoughts would be really helpful.

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