Rendering ideas.

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1 comment, last by Themonkster 21 years, 1 month ago
Hi, How would I go about rendering all objects in my game? I have a object that renders but how do I pass all the information on what needs to be rendered into it? do I let a object decide if it should be rendered? do I have a object manager that loops though the objects and and renders them? how would the object manager know what was to be render or even if a object exsited? I know this is a bit of a mess of questions but I think I need to get this straight. I am planning at the moment and this has me stumped. Cheers
I use something like this this:
CMesh{   HRESULT gRender();   ... //More methodsprivate:   // ... Renderstates etc...   VERTEXBUFFER pVB;}CObject{   HRESULT gRender(){      ... // Apply world matrix, etc.      return pMesh->gRender;   }   ... // Methodsprivate:   float pPosX, pPosY, pPosZ;  // Object's position   float pAngX, pAngY, pAngZ;  // Object's angle   CMesh *pMesh;}  

Then you could make an array of CObjects and when you want to render them you could use
a loop like this:
DWORD i;for( i=0; i<objects_Num; i++ ){   if( pObjects </i>  )<br>      pObjects<i> </i> ->gRender();<br>}<br>  </pre>  <br><br>Hope that helps <img src="smile.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>  <br><br><hr><i>KaM1KaZ3  </i> <br><br><SPAN CLASS=editedby>[edited by - Kamikaze15 &#111;n February 27, 2003 2:21:41 PM]</SPAN>    
In the project i'm currently working on I inherit everything in the game from a base class called CEntity. Then in the main game loop I do something like this

  for (i = 0; i < numentities; i++) {    entity[i]->Tick(Delta);}if (Graphics->BeginScene()){    for (i = 0; i < numentities; i++) {        entity[i]->Render();    }    Graphics->EndScene();}   

As far as knowing if it should be rendered or not, you could have a bool called Alive or something like that.. if it's alive then draw it.. so maybe something like

  for (i = 0; i < numentities; i++) {    if (entity[i]->Alive)         entity[i]->Render();}   

I hope this helps..

[edited by - randal on February 27, 2003 2:20:49 PM]

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