edit boxes

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0 comments, last by ECKILLER 23 years, 10 months ago
Hi, How can i get the string in an edit box into a char* variable in plain Win32 api?? I do have a handle to the edit box child window. Also how can i do the reverse, update the edit boxes out put with a variable? Thanks ECKILLER
GetWindowText(hWnd, pString, nCount) to get the text out of the edit box.

hWnd - Handle of the edit box
pString - Pointer to a char buffer to receive the text
nCount - maximum size of a string that will fit in the buffer
NOTE: You can call GetWindowTextLength(hWnd) to get the size of the buffer you need to hold the text

SetWindowText(hWnd, pString) to set the text in the edit box.

hWnd - Handle of the edit box
pString - Pointer to a char buffer that holds the text

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