how to add SDL library to VS.NET?

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0 comments, last by digital_funk 20 years, 8 months ago
I''m just trying to set up an environment to do some openGL programming. I downloaded the SDL libraries so my apps will run on Linux too, wrote a small app and am trying to compile it under VS .NET. I am getting a whole series of missing external identifiers, some related to OpenGL but most related to SDL. My question is how do I add the SDL library to my Win32 application, I can''t seem to find the right menu entry in VS.NET. I have added the directories to my include path and library path via Tools->Options->Projects tab. But no cigar. If I remember right, VS6 had a add library or some such button to add a dll to a project. thanks for help. Rich. example of error: graphics error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__glClearColor@16 referenced in function "public: void __thiscall Graphics::DCanvas::setBackgroundColor(float,float,float)" (?setBackgroundColor@DCanvas@Graphics@@QAEXMMM@Z) graphics error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _SDL_GetError referenced in function "public: __thiscall Graphics::DCanvas::DCanvas(int,int,char *)" (??0DCanvas@Graphics@@QAE@HHPAD@Z)
sorry, I figured it out. Thanks anyway.

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