problems editing a video stream in a AVIFile

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-1 comments, last by tejlgaard 23 years, 9 months ago
I''m currently making a project where a I have to edit a uncompressed AVI file. The video stream is compressed in the IR32 format. I''m trying to open the file and streams and then read each video frame and copy it in to a new file. But when I copy the information in to the new file, the information is not the same when I read it again. This means that when I''m playing the file there is a lot of gitter. how can I solve this problem?? Some of my sample code: //opening videostream// AVIFileGetStream(m_AviFile,&m_VideoStream,streamtypeVIDEO,0); AVIStreamInfo(m_VideoStream,&m_VideoStreamInfo,sizeof(m_VideoStreamInfo)); m_GetFrame = AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(m_VideoStream,NULL); //creating videostream in which to write// //streamInfo contains the info of the original stream. m_VideoStreamInfo.fccHandler = streamInfo>fccHandler; m_VideoStreamInfo.dwFlags = 0; // don''t use - set to zero m_VideoStreamInfo.dwCaps = 0; // not used - set to zero m_VideoStreamInfo.wPriority = 0; m_VideoStreamInfo.wLanguage = 0; // not used - set to zero m_VideoStreamInfo.dwStart = 0; // don''t use - set to zero m_VideoStreamInfo.dwLength = 0; m_VideoStreamInfo.dwInitialFrames = 0; m_VideoStreamInfo.dwSuggestedBufferSize = 3*bitmapWidth*bitmapHeight; m_VideoStreamInfo.dwQuality = 10000; m_VideoStreamInfo.dwSampleSize = 0; m_VideoStreamInfo.dwScale = streamInfo->dwScale; m_VideoStreamInfo.dwRate = streamInfo->dwRate; m_VideoStreamInfo.rcFrame = streamInfo->rcFrame; m_VideoStreamInfo.dwEditCount = 0; m_VideoStreamInfo.dwFormatChangeCount = 0; strcpy(m_VideoStreamInfo.szName,"audio"); AVIFileCreateStream(m_AviFile,&m_VideoStream,&m_VideoStreamInfo); LPAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS lpOptions; lpOptions = new AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS; lpOptions->fccType = streamtypeVIDEO; lpOptions->fccHandler = streamInfo->fccHandler; lpOptions->dwKeyFrameEvery = 20; lpOptions->dwQuality = 10000; lpOptions->dwBytesPerSecond = 0; lpOptions->dwFlags = AVICOMPRESSF_KEYFRAMES / AVICOMPRESSF_INTERLEAVE; lpOptions->lpFormat = 0; lpOptions->cbFormat = 0; lpOptions->lpParms = 0; lpOptions->cbParms = 0; lpOptions->dwInterleaveEvery = 1; AVIMakeCompressedStream(&m_CompressedVideoStream,m_VideoStream,lpOptions,NULL); delete lpOptions; // fill in the bitmapinfoheader lpbmih = new BITMAPINFOHEADER; lpbmih->biBitCount = 24; // 3-byte colour triplets lpbmih->biClrImportant = 0; // all colours are used lpbmih->biClrUsed = 0; // maximum colours lpbmih->biCompression = 0; lpbmih->biWidth = bitmapWidth; lpbmih->biHeight = bitmapHeight; lpbmih->biPlanes = 1; // always 1 lpbmih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); lpbmih->biSizeImage = lpbmih->biHeight*lpbmih->biWidth*3; lpbmih->biXPelsPerMeter = 0; // uncompressed lpbmih->biYPelsPerMeter = 0; // uncompressed AVIStreamSetFormat(m_CompressedVideoStream, 0, lpbmih, lpbmih->biSize ); m_VideoFormat = *lpbmih; delete lpbmih; //reading and writing/// lpSize = 3*bitmapwidth*bitmapheight; LPBYTE lpData = new BYTE[lpSize]; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi; lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)AVIStreamGetFrame(m_GetFrame, frameNumber); // grab the rgb data memcpy(lpData,(LPBYTE)lpbi + lpbi->biSize,lpSize); PAVISTREAM videoStream; videoStream = m_VideoStream; DWORD flags = AVIIF_KEYFRAME; if(m_CompressedVideoStream != 0) { videoStream = m_CompressedVideoStream; flags = 0; } AVIStreamWrite(videoStream, frameNumber, 1, lpData, lpSize, flags, 0, 0); Jesper Tejlgaard Pedersen (44) 01473 606535
Jesper Tejlgaard Pedersen(44) 01473 606535

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