Texturing problem????

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-1 comments, last by JIMbond21 20 years, 7 months ago
Why wont this function work, I got the code from GameTutorials.com, the function auxDIBImageLoad() seems to cause the problem, well heres the code:

void CreateTexture(GLuint textureArray[], LPSTR strFileName, int textureID)
	AUX_RGBImageRec *pBitmap = NULL;
	if(!strFileName)									// Return from the function if no file name was passed in

	// We need to load the texture data, so we use a cool API that the glaux.lib offers.

	pBitmap = auxDIBImageLoad(strFileName);				// Load the bitmap and store the data

	if(pBitmap == NULL)									// If we can't load the file, quit!


	// Now that we have the texture data, we need to register our texture with OpenGL

	// To do this we need to call glGenTextures().  The 1 for the first parameter is

	// how many texture we want to register this time (we could do a bunch in a row).

	// The second parameter is the array index that will hold the reference to this texture.

	// Generate a texture with the associative texture ID stored in the array

	glGenTextures(1, &textureArray[textureID]);

	// Now that we have a reference for the texture, we need to bind the texture

	// to tell OpenGL this is the reference that we are assigning the bitmap data too.

	// The first parameter tells OpenGL we want are using a 2D texture, while the

	// second parameter passes in the reference we are going to assign the texture too.

	// We will use this function later to tell OpenGL we want to use this texture to texture map.

	// Bind the texture to the texture arrays index and init the texture

	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureArray[textureID]);

	// Now comes the important part, we actually pass in all the data from the bitmap to

	// create the texture. Here is what the parameters mean in gluBuild2DMipmaps():

	// (We want a 2D texture, 3 channels (RGB), bitmap width, bitmap height, It's an RGB format,

	//  the data is stored as unsigned bytes, and the actuall pixel data);

	// What is a Mip map?  Mip maps are a bunch of scaled pictures from the original.  This makes

	// it look better when we are near and farther away from the texture map.  It chooses the

	// best looking scaled size depending on where the camera is according to the texture map.

	// Otherwise, if we didn't use mip maps, it would scale the original UP and down which would

	// look not so good when we got far away or up close, it would look pixelated.

	// Build Mipmaps (builds different versions of the picture for distances - looks better)

	gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, pBitmap->sizeX, pBitmap->sizeY, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pBitmap->data);

	// Lastly, we need to tell OpenGL the quality of our texture map.  GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR

	// is the smoothest.  GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST is faster than GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, 

	// but looks blochy and pixilated.  Good for slower computers though.  Read more about 

	// the MIN and MAG filters at the bottom of main.cpp


	// Now we need to free the bitmap data that we loaded since openGL stored it as a texture

	if (pBitmap)										// If we loaded the bitmap

		if (pBitmap->data)								// If there is texture data

			free(pBitmap->data);						// Free the texture data, we don't need it anymore


		free(pBitmap);									// Free the bitmap structure

This is the exact source code for the function they give, but I keep getting a program error when using this function, you know one of those send error report things on Windows XP, anyway any help is appreciated, THX. [edited by - JIMbond21 on September 16, 2003 6:43:34 PM]

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