clipping viewport ( Quake console, HUD ) ??

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-1 comments, last by Darker 23 years, 8 months ago
Ok Ive got a nasty problem. I try to implement such a console like you can see in Quake. So i need to find the plane which fits and for testing purpose i set it the same as the farplane i used to calculate the projection matrix. Then I transformated the world by the view matrix so the plane is on the right place but somehow it doesnt work. Here is it:

	... define the plane
	D3DMATRIX matView;
	g_pd3dDevice->GetTransform( D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_VIEW,  &matView );
	g_pd3dDevice->SetTransform( D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_WORLD, &matView );
	g_pd3dDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, D3DFVF_VERTEX, Clipp, 4, Indices, 6, NULL );
My Projection Matrix looks like this: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 I dont know if this is right but so ive got a fov of 90 degrees !??? I hope so Is there an easier way to clip such a plane ? Probably to make a HUD or such a Console Screen ?? Thanks in Advance for any ideas

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