sony ericsson on device debugging

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-1 comments, last by atomhamster 19 years, 8 months ago
does anyone here have additional information about on device debugging with the sony ericsson sdk? this is my ant-task: <target name="run on device" description="none"> <exec executable="D:/dev/Java/SonyEricsson/J2ME_SDK/OnDeviceDebug/bin/emulator"> <arg line="-classpath ${project_home}/bin/build/jadjar/${app_filename}.jar"/> <arg line="-Xdescriptor:${project_home}/bin/build/jadjar/${app_filename}.jad"/> <arg line="-Xdebug"/> <arg line="-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket"/> <arg line="-Xrunjdwp:address=5005"/> <arg line="-Xdevice:SonyEricsson_K700"/> <arg line="-Xjam:run"/> </exec> </target> i use a k700i and IRDA. when i start the "pseudo" emulator for device debugging, i get a connection and im asked to select an "entry-point" from a list of installed games. java is started, but no screen is painted. after a minute or so, the devices tells me about an "invalid application". the "pseudo" emulator (PC) is stopped and the application is deleted (device). this is a bit odd. im chasing an error which freezed the phone without visible cause and i think this might be a way to find it? any suggestions?
greetings and such - atomhamster

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