Play video files in SDL?

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7 comments, last by andrern2000 14 years, 6 months ago
Hi, I want some help... When I want to play a video file in my SDL code, what format is easiest to use. We are making a simple 2D-game in SDL for Windows and now it's time to do an intro. And we want to use a video file. But what format to use? avi,mpeg,mov,wmv? And does anyone know any example code or a tutorial? Thanks! Link
There's SMPEG, but it seems quite ancient and not under active development.
Jooleem. Get addicted.
SMPEG is the MPEG animation player used by SDLBasic and it seems to be the only one for SDL. I tend to stay away from Windows-only file formats like .WMV since there's no way to port them to another platform without converting the files first. BTW: Why are you limiting yourself to Windows only when SDL will work on practically any operating system?
I'll refer you to my new post here at this thread, Link66.
Once again Drew your attention to the needs of the forums are spot on. Great job. My only suggestion is to make a simple mpeg player that can pause, slow down, rewind and fast forward. Not that the documentation to do so isn't elsewhere but you know how lazy some of us are here and our aversion to using search engines.[wink]

Thanks again :)
Nice tutorial, Drew.
I ran into the LGPL FFMPEG project, which unlike SMPEG is under active development and supports a whole bunch of modern codecs.
While there is no direct support for SDL, there is a nice tutorial for the API. The tutorial includes code for decoding video into RGB images, from which you can create SDL surface with SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom.
If I get some free time, I might give it a try.

EDIT: I just found out that the FFMPEG project includes a program called ffplay, which is an SDL based video player. It seems to use SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay to output the video frame to the screen.
Jooleem. Get addicted.
Quote:Original post by evillive2
Once again Drew your attention to the needs of the forums are spot on. Great job. My only suggestion is to make a simple mpeg player that can pause, slow down, rewind and fast forward. Not that the documentation to do so isn't elsewhere but you know how lazy some of us are here and our aversion to using search engines.[wink]

By popular demand, here is a quick little wrapper that wraps most of all the needed functionality of SMPEG. It's everything in a header file, just so it's easy to work with and modify at first. Undoubtly it's not 100% complete or the best it could be, but it's definitly enough if you want to start easily working with MPEG files in SDL.

class SDL_Movie{private:	// Surface for the main screen	SDL_Surface *screen;	// Surface for the movie	SDL_Surface *movieSurface;	// Holds the movie information	SMPEG_Info movieInfo;	// Load the movie	SMPEG *movie;	// The max we can scale by	int MaxScaleX;	int MaxScaleY;	int MaxScale;	// Locations on screen to draw at	int X, Y;	void DrawIMG(SDL_Surface *img, SDL_Surface *dst, int x, int y)	{		SDL_Rect dest;		dest.x = x;		dest.y = y;		SDL_BlitSurface(img, NULL, dst, &dest);	}public:	SDL_Movie()	{		MaxScaleX = MaxScaleY = MaxScale = 1;				screen = 0;		movieSurface = 0;		movie = 0;		X = Y = 0;	}	// Free our movie	~SDL_Movie()	{		Stop();		SMPEG_delete( movie );		movie = 0;		SDL_FreeSurface( movieSurface );		movieSurface = 0;	}	void ClearScreen()	{		SDL_FillRect( movieSurface, 0, 0 );	}	// Set's the volume on a scale of 0 - 100	void SetVolume( int vol )	{		SMPEG_setvolume( movie, vol );	}	// Scale the movie by the desired factors	void Scale( int w, int h )	{		// Prevent a divide by 0		if( w == 0 )			w = 1;		if( h == 0 )			h = 1;		SMPEG_scaleXY( movie, w, h );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif	}	// Scale the movie by the desired factor	void ScaleBy( int factor )	{		// Prevent a divide by 0		if( factor == 0 )			factor = 1;		// Make sure we don't scale larger than the surface size		if( factor > MaxScale )			factor = MaxScale;		SMPEG_scale( movie, factor );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif	}	// Sets the region of the video to be shown	void SetDisplayRegion( int x, int y, int w, int h )	{		SMPEG_setdisplayregion( movie, x, y, w, h );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif	}	// Set the position that the movie should be drawn at on the screen	void SetPosition( int x, int y )	{		X = x;		Y = y;	}	// Check for any errors	void CheckErrors()	{		char* error = SMPEG_error( movie );		if( error )			printf( "Error: %s\n", error );	}	// Load the movie	void Load( const char* fileName, SDL_Surface* s, int maxscalex = 1, int maxscaley = 1 )	{		MaxScaleX = maxscalex;		MaxScaleY = maxscaley;				// Limit how much we can scale by		MaxScale = (maxscalex > maxscaley ? maxscaley : maxscalex);		// Assign the screen surface		screen = s;		// Load the movie and store the information about it		movie = SMPEG_new( fileName, &movieInfo, true );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif		// Create a temporary surface to render the movie to		SDL_Surface *tempSurface2 = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, movieInfo.width * MaxScaleX, movieInfo.height * MaxScaleY, 32, screen->format->Rmask, screen->format->Gmask, screen->format->Bmask, screen->format->Amask );		// Now make a surface optimized for the main screen		movieSurface = SDL_DisplayFormat( tempSurface2 );		// Free the temporary surface		SDL_FreeSurface( tempSurface2 );		// Set the surface to draw to		SMPEG_setdisplay( movie, movieSurface, 0, 0 );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif		// Set the display region		SMPEG_setdisplayregion( movie, 0, 0, movieInfo.width, movieInfo.height );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif	}	// Set the looping of hte movie	void SetLoop( int val )	{		SMPEG_loop( movie, val );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif	}	// Play the movie	void Play()	{		SMPEG_play( movie );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif	}	// Pause the movie	void Pause()	{		SMPEG_pause( movie );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif	}	// Stops the movie, but keeps current position	void Stop()	{		SMPEG_stop( movie );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif	}	// Rewind the movie back to 0:00:00	void Rewind()	{		SMPEG_rewind( movie );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif	}	// Seek a number of bytes into the movie	void Seek( int bytes )	{		SMPEG_seek( movie, bytes );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif	}	// Skip a number of seconds	void Skip( float seconds )	{		SMPEG_skip( movie, seconds );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif	}	// Render some frame of the movie	void RenderFrame( int frame )	{		SMPEG_renderFrame( movie, frame );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif	}	// Render the final frame of the movie	void RenderFinal()	{		SMPEG_renderFinal( movie, movieSurface, 0, 0 );		#ifdef _DEBUG			CheckErrors();		#endif	}	// Draw the movie surface to the main screen at x, y	void DisplayAt( int x, int y )	{		DrawIMG( movieSurface, screen, x, y );	}	// Draw the movie surface to the main screen at x, y	void Display()	{		DrawIMG( movieSurface, screen, X, Y );	}	// Return the current info for the movie	SMPEG_Info GetInfo()	{		SMPEG_getinfo( movie, &movieInfo );		return movieInfo;	}	// Get the current status of the movie, can be SMPEG_ERROR = -1, SMPEG_STOPPED, SMPEG_PLAYING	SMPEGstatus GetStatus()	{		return SMPEG_status(movie);	}};

Here is the Main.cpp file that demonstrates using the class, it's very straight forward as well.
// Header file for SDL#include "SDL.h"// This is the header file for the library#include "smpeg.h"// Link in the needed libraries#pragma comment( lib, "sdlmain.lib")#pragma comment( lib, "sdl.lib")#pragma comment( lib, "smpeg.lib")#include "SDL_Movie.h"int main( int argc, char *argv[] ){	if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO|SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0 )	{		printf("Unable to init SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());		return -1;	}	atexit(SDL_Quit);	SDL_Surface* screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( 640, 480, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE );	if ( screen == NULL )	{		printf("Unable to set 640x480 video: %s\n", SDL_GetError());		return -1;	}	// The movie variable	SDL_Movie mov1;		// Load the specified file and draw it to the 'screen' surface	// In this case, we are allowed to scale the X and Y dimensions by 2 maximually	mov1.Load( "demo.mpg", screen, 2, 2 );	// Set the display at	//mov1.SetPosition( 100, 100 );	// Scale the movie by 2	mov1.ScaleBy( 2 );	// Event variable	SDL_Event event;	// Loop flag	int done = 0;	// Key structure	Uint8* keys;	while(done == 0)	{		// Simple event loop		while ( SDL_PollEvent(&event) )		{			if ( event.type == SDL_QUIT )  {  done = 1;  }			if ( event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN )			{				if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE ) { done = 1; }			}		}		// Update key states		keys = SDL_GetKeyState( 0 );		// Play		if( keys[SDLK_p] )		{			mov1.Play();			keys[SDLK_p] = 0;		}		// Pause		if( keys[SDLK_a] )		{			mov1.Pause();			keys[SDLK_a] = 0;		}		// Stop		if( keys[SDLK_s] )		{			mov1.Stop();			// If we stop, we want to start from the beginning again			mov1.Rewind();			// Clear the movie surface so it's no longer showing the last frame			mov1.ClearScreen();			keys[SDLK_s] = 0;		}		// Rewind		if( keys[SDLK_r] )		{			mov1.Rewind();			keys[SDLK_r] = 0;		}		// NOTE: DOES NOT WORK		if( keys[SDLK_LEFT] )		{			// Still trying to figure this one out, how to go backwards			mov1.Skip( -.5 );			keys[SDLK_LEFT] = 0;		}		// Skip forward .5 seconds in the movie		if( keys[SDLK_RIGHT] )		{			mov1.Skip( .5 );			keys[SDLK_RIGHT] = 0;		}		// Clear the main screen (might not want to have in a game)		SDL_FillRect( screen, 0, 0 );		// Display the movie at the internal location (setposition)		if( mov1.GetStatus() == SMPEG_PLAYING )			mov1.Display();		// Display the movie at a specified location		//mov1.DisplayAt( 0, 0 );		// Flip the main screen		SDL_Flip( screen );	}	return 0;}

So basically, if you look though the key inputs, there is play, pause, stop, rewind, seek forward, and no seek backward yet because it doesn't seem to work. Bare minimal to work with this class is as follows:
// Create a movie variableSDL_Movie mov1;// Load a movie file, set the surface it should be rendered tomov1.Load( "demo.mpg", screen );// Start playback (only needs to be called once, NOT once per frame)mov1.Play();// Finally draw the movie (called every frame)mov1.Display();

And that's a wrap. I will probabally improive upon this a lot more and put it into a second tutorial when I next get time. This is just to get something out there for any interested, feel free to make your modifications as needed [wink]. So if there's any other requests with that project, just let me know!

Peregrin, that's a great find! The main problem I see with using SMPEG now is that it is under GLP, so you do have to release all your soruce code, which for something like E4E, it's not a bad thing, but if you wanted to make a game, then you'd not want to. If you don't beat me to it, I'll also take a look into using that program with SDL as well, for a LPGL alternative with more modern codecs would be great! [smile]
Drew Benton is my idol! Seriously, where do you find the time to be this helpful? I have about 2-3 hours to myself a night and I get to read a bit here on the forums then go to bed so I can function at work the next day. My hat is off to you sir.
Xcuse me, Where can I download this SMPEG to play MPEG in SDL?
I need this. I currently work on game SDL development.

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