Multiple Rotations Around X,Y,Z

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11 comments, last by David20321 22 years, 9 months ago
Yeah i think it''s because i used to do my matricies differently using a column based thingy.
[ a b c d][ e f g h]<br>[ m n o p]<br><br>where <br>''x = ax + ey + iz + m<br>''y = bx + fy + jz + n<br>''z = cx + gy + kz + o<br>''w = dx + hy + lz + p<br></font></pre><br><br>This way i think it works forward not backward. I hadn''t really thought about it going backward<br>    
Yep, OpenGL uses row-major transformation matrices. You have to invert your multiplication order to get the same thing. The advantage is that you can directly load your own matrices with glLoadMatrix() or glMultMatrix() instead of converting first.
Don''t mix row- and column-based matrices, if you want to avoid nightlong bug-tracking sessions

A.H aka Blueshift

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