4x4 reflection matrices

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2 comments, last by Christer Ericson 13 years, 8 months ago
Given a unit vector u in R4, I'd like to build a matrix that performs reflection in the hyperplane orthogonal to u and intersecting the origin.

I considered doing it by conjugating the standard reflection matrix in the hyperplane orthogonal to (1,0,0,0) by a rotation matrix, but I realized I'm not sure how to determine the conjugating rotation matrix. In three dimensions, one could for instance compute the axis to be the cross product of u and (1,0,0) and the angle to be the inverse cosine of the dot product of those two. But rotations in four dimensions aren't so simple and may have an entire 2-plane as an invariant axis or they may consist of two simultaneously rotations in orthogonal 2-planes and hence fix only a single point, something impossible in three dimensions.

Any ideas?
You know how to project onto the plane; you just subtract off the component normal to it. To reflect, you instead subtract off TWICE the component normal to it. That's all.

See Householder reflections.
Thanks very much.
The second half of this article covers exactly what you're asking about: http://realtimecollisiondetection.net/blog/?p=16.

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