OpenGL, GCC, Borland, Linux and damned GLUT

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13 comments, last by tweakguide 22 years, 8 months ago

Why was I thinking I had OpenGL? Doesnt that come with Windows?
I have related DLLs and such.

I am downloading the file right now like you said. Wish me
luck, I suppose.

Nope. That did not work on Borlands command line nor the
MingW32. I added the .h files and the .lib (Just to borland)
and the DLL files to windows/system

No luck. I get a lot of errors like this;

Error E2451 pendulum.c 232: Undefined symbol ''p3'' in function almostSolidCylin
Error E2451 pendulum.c 232: Undefined symbol ''p4'' in function almostSolidCylin
Warning W8065 pendulum.c 232: Call to function ''cos'' with no prototype in func
on almostSolidCylinder
Warning W8065 pendulum.c 233: Call to function ''sin'' with no prototype in func
on almostSolidCylinder
Error E2451 pendulum.c 238: Undefined symbol ''v1'' in function almostSolidCylin
Error E2451 pendulum.c 242: Undefined symbol ''v2'' in function almostSolidCylin
Error E2451 pendulum.c 246: Undefined symbol ''normal'' in function almostSolidC
Warning W8065 pendulum.c 247: Call to function ''glNormal3fv'' with no prototype
n function almostSolidCylinder
Warning W8065 pendulum.c 250: Call to function ''glVertex3f'' with no prototype
function almostSolidCylinder
Warning W8065 pendulum.c 251: Call to function ''glVertex3f'' with no prototype
function almostSolidCylinder
Warning W8065 pendulum.c 252: Call to function ''glVertex3f'' with no prototype
function almostSolidCylinder
Warning W8065 pendulum.c 253: Call to function ''glVertex3f'' with no prototype
function almostSolidCylinder
Warning W8065 pendulum.c 255: Call to function ''glEnd'' with no prototype in fu
tion almostSolidCylinder
Warning W8057 pendulum.c 256: Parameter ''h'' is never used in function almostSo
Error E2451 pendulum.c 260: Undefined symbol ''GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT'' in function
Error E2228 pendulum.c 260: Too many error or warning messages in function dis
*** 26 errors in Compile ***

Are you #include-ing the gl\gl.h and gl\glu.h in your c files, or are you just #include-ing glut.h? It looks like you have to #include math.h as well for sin and cos.
Well, that must be at least part of it but why, I dont know.
This is a sample program I got from another site. If its not
including all of the headers, how the hell did the original
authors compile it? Just weird to me but thanks!

Try this: go to Nehe''s web site and go to lesson 1 and download the glut or linux source code, and try to compile it.

Now I would write more but my spacebar is stuck. (Seriously!)

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