Beyond Beyaan - Master of Orion inspired game (Now with download!)

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2 comments, last by Zeraan 12 years, 11 months ago
Edit: I've released a pre-alpha version of this game, head on over to my blog ( for download and installation instructions

I've been hesitant about posting my game here, because there's still a lot of work to be done, but then I realized that with that mindset, I wouldn't post until it's done. So here's the details of my game:

Beyond Beyaan is a game inspired by Master of Orion series (mostly from the first one), and Space Empires series. What it will feature:

Customizable galaxy shapes/sizes. No more "Small, medium, large, huge" sizes. You set the galaxy size, and it will fill in the stars according to the shape you've selected.
Diminishing returns on technology research. Instead of researching a technology once, then it's done, you can re-research the same technology to improve it. For example, if you have laser cannon that does 4 damage, you can research it again, improving it to 6 damage. However, with each increment, the research costs goes up.
Simple planetary management. No special buildings that you build. The more people you have on a planet, the more output it produces.
Tactical space combats
Customizable races that AI can use. Instead of picking a race then customizing it, you go to "Create Race" window from main menu, and create a new race. Then when you start a new game, you or the computer players can select it from list of races.

Here's some screenshots from the game. Please pardon my crappy programmer art.

Game setup screen:

Galaxy Screen:

Ship Design Screen:

Fleet list screen (shows fleets that you either own or can detect)

I've been working on this game for over a year now, and have went through many design changes. My goal is to make this game feel like Master of Orion 1, on steroids :) Let me know what you think!

Edit: Updated screenshots to reflect the latest version

I've been working on this a lot, and now finally released a version that you can try out. The version is simple, you can set up a new game, send ships to explore other systems, and play around with the UI controls.

I'm working on colonization and migration next, as well as some polishing and maybe saving/loading games.

The link is in my signature, so please check it out and give me feedback on this.
Do you have a Youtube channel with any videos? I loved MOO and MOO2. A video of what's possible with your game would really be exciting, don't you think? =)
I tried to make a video, but for some reason it's not working. I never created a video before, so hopefully I'll learn how soon!

I've also updated the original post with the latest screenshots from my game. A bit of good news, I've found some people who might be able to publish my game. If everything works out, they will be able to provide professional artwork for my game, so it don't look crap, as well as sounds.

The game's core features is about 70% done, excluding AI and network multiplayer.

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