How are the coordinate axes drawn in this video?

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13 comments, last by szecs 12 years, 11 months ago
Um, I used the built in text Rendering, that's always in screen space.

Anyway: Project the coordinates of the labels (I assume you know what I mean by that), reset the modelview matrix, and render the labels just like you would render a HUD. I can't be more specific, play around and experiment!
I've been playing around and experimenting all weekend but with little success.

[color=#1C2837][size=2]Project the coordinates of the labels (I assume you know what I mean by that)

This is where I think I am going wrong:

- If I draw the labels just using an orthographic projection they do not move but will always face the camera (like a GUI) when the camera rotates.
- If I transform them by the camera's view matrix with 0,0,0 for the translation they will be in the correct location but they will not face the camera.

Can you please explain what you mean by "project the coordinates of the labels"?
look into "world coordinates to screen coordinates"

To be honest, you should learn how to solve these problems. I could do it, no one showed me. All the pieces of the puzzle (or terms to look into) are here in the thread. You just need to put together these few pieces.
After a day away from this, I came back to it today and solved the problem.

look into "world coordinates to screen coordinates"[/quote]

Can you please explain why I should use this method? I've seen it used as a Unity add on here but I have solved it by doing the following:

// Always use the active camera to get the label to face the current camera
Camera camera = game.ActiveCamera;
Viewport viewport = game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport;

// Scale
//Matrix worldMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(0.5f);
Matrix worldMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(50f);

// Rotate
worldMatrix *= camera.ViewMatrix;

// Set its last column (the translation part) to (0, 0, 0, 1)
worldMatrix.M41 = 0f;
worldMatrix.M42 = 0f;
worldMatrix.M43 = 0f;
worldMatrix.M44 = 1f;

// The transpose of view matrix to make the vertices face the current camera
Matrix.Transpose(ref worldMatrix, out worldMatrix);

// Translate
worldMatrix.M41 = ObjectPosition.X;
worldMatrix.M42 = ObjectPosition.Y;
worldMatrix.M43 = ObjectPosition.Z;

vertices[0] = Vector3.Transform(corners[0], worldMatrix);
vertices[1] = Vector3.Transform(corners[1], worldMatrix);
vertices[2] = Vector3.Transform(corners[2], worldMatrix);
vertices[3] = Vector3.Transform(corners[3], worldMatrix);

Matrix orthogonal = Matrix.CreateOrthographic(

Matrix viewMatrix = camera.ViewMatrix;

// Set its last column (the translation part) to (0, 0, 0, 1)
viewMatrix.M41 = 0f;
viewMatrix.M42 = 0f;
viewMatrix.M43 = 0f;
viewMatrix.M44 = 1f;

game.WireShapeDrawer.Begin(viewMatrix, orthogonal);

game.WireShapeDrawer.DrawLine(vertices[0], vertices[1], Color.White);
game.WireShapeDrawer.DrawLine(vertices[1], vertices[3], Color.White);
game.WireShapeDrawer.DrawLine(vertices[3], vertices[2], Color.White);
game.WireShapeDrawer.DrawLine(vertices[2], vertices[0], Color.White);


The video of the results are shown here

I hope that someone can enlighten me why conversion to screen space coordinates are often used instead.
There are more ways to solve a problem, that's an important lesson. You can use billboarding, or conversion of coordinate systems, or maybe other stuff too.

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