Extract the R, G, B values from a Flash decimal number

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2 comments, last by alvaro 12 years, 5 months ago

I have colour values from a Flash application that are ARGB format(A being the alpha/transparency value).

I have to convert that long decimal number to a RGB/Hexadecimal number in Javascript. I REALLY struggle with bitwise operations. In Flash the colour white is represented by the decimal number: 16777215, black is obviously 0. Other colours are like: 84545883, 4803910 etc which I have no idea what colour they are.

Do you know how I can extract the individual R, G, B & A values from a long(8 digit) number?

Can you help me get these functions to extract the (R,G,B,A) values?

function getA( num )
// eg value for num is 84545883
return (parseInt(num,10)) & 0xFF000000; // does this correctly get the A value from a ARGB value?

function getR( num )
// eg value for num is 84545883
return (parseInt(num,10)) & 0x00FF0000; // does this correctly get the R value from a ARGB value?

function getG( num )
// eg value for num is 84545883
return (parseInt(num,10)) & 0x0000FF00; // does this correctly get the G value from a ARGB value?

You are masking out the undesired bits but you are not shifting.

function getA( num ) {
return (parseInt( num, 10 ) & 0xFF000000) >> 24;

function getR( num ) {
return (parseInt( num, 10 ) & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;

function getG( num ) {
return (parseInt( num, 10 ) & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;

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Also note that you're better off doing the right shifts before masking, and left shifts after masking.
Thus:function getA(string num)
return (parseInt(num, 10) >> 24) & 0xFF;

function getR(string num)
return (parseInt(num, 10) >> 16) & 0xFF;

function getG(string num)
return (parseInt(num, 10) >> 8) & 0xFF;

function getB(string num)
return parseInt(num, 10) & 0xFF;
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In order to make things easier for humans, you can write the numbers in hexadecimal instead of decimal, and then every two hexadecimal digits correspond to a byte, so it's much easier to pick out the individual bytes:
16777215 = 0xFFFFFF (red=0xFF=255, green=0xFF=255, blue=0xFF=255)
4803910 = 0x494D46 (red=0x49=73, green=0x4D=77, blue=0x46=70)

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