I am planning to be a producer.

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4 comments, last by Tom Sloper 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi. I am very new to this site and I am especially new to game programming and the like. I, however, have been self-studying a lot of source code and tried to understand C++ with numerous free tutorials and lessons online.

I have this amazing game idea to launch as an mmo card game. The programming skill required to create such a game is not massive. (ie like WoW or LoL). Its supposed to be 2D, with some 2.5D flipping animations. (Think Yugioh).

Anyways, the real question. I have decided to become the producer of the project I am wishing to create. I do have the money to hire developers/programmers and the launching of websites. So what are the first steps. I was thinking that I should advertise myself. Do I need a lot of programmers to manage the development of an mmo? Or is one enough? Do I need a game programmer AND designer?

I have contacts for artists btw.

Anyone have any advice for producing mmo games?
Based on the questions you asked, if you have the money to hire the people to make your game, you should also hire a producer. Because producing requires foreknowledge of game project management. Game companies don't hire novices to produce their projects, and neither should you.
But before you spend any money, you should write a solid business plan. As Stephen Covey says, "Begin with the end in mind." In other words, once the game has been made, then what? What's the plan for making money from it? Is the idea to just make one game, and if so, is it a game that will earn its upkeep over time, and if so, how? Your business plan needs to answer those questions, otherwise you're throwing money down a bottomless pit.

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

I have solid ideas of how the upkeep of the game will work. Ie a microtranstion system. I also would like to create a website dedicated to the game.

In other words I have a loooooot of work to do. ;p I am going to build a gdd (game development document) that is gonna be at least 15 pages long, so the programmer can understand what the game is about and how it functions. I am just making one game, yes. That is all. Then I would release the game into closed beta testing. Grabbing a hand full of lucky players that will test the game out, give feed back, construct surveys etc. Its probably just the producer hiring that I need to worry about. :/
another point. Its going to be a freeware game.
from what I have experienced the beta testing, surveys, marketing is one of the producers jobs ( or at least it has always fallen to me ) also handling of finances vs. release date and the delicate balance that is needed is also a big part of production (most notably the part that does not make people like you
unless you handle it very carefully)
This thread was finished two months ago. Closing.

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

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