Generic preprocessor tools

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2 comments, last by wqking 11 years, 6 months ago
Some languages are blessed with preprocessor directives, but there are other languages that don't have them for various reasons.

So then my question is this: Is there a generic preprocessor tools out there where you can inject a few rules, process any text files, and output the result to new text files.

If the file was a Java source code, and DEBUG was set to false, it would preprocess them like this:

//#if DEBUG
int var = 10 + debugValue;
int var = 10;

//#if DEBUG
// int var = 10 + debugValue;
int var = 10;

If it was Python:

##if DEBUG
var = 10 + debugValue
var = 10;

##if DEBUG
# var = 10 + debugValue
var = 10;

And as you can see, you can extend this to any programming languages or scripts (HTML, CSS, bash, anything) that don't support preprocessor directives natively but support comments. Alas, I can't find any good tools that can do this seemingly-straightforward task properly.
The C preprocessor will do that. It's almost universally available as a separate phase of the compiler or as a separate executable entirely. The C preprocessor has no clue about the C (or C++, or FORTRAN, or Java) language proper.

There have been many systems that leverage the C preprocessor to enhance other languages.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

I've used in the past and I'd suggest checking it out.
I heard M4 and saw some open source projects use it
I didn't use it before. -- My personal website  eventpp -- C++ library for event dispatcher and callback list  cpgf library -- free C++ open source library for reflection, serialization, script binding, callbacks, and meta data for OpenGL Box2D, SFML and Irrlicht.

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