Bullet animation

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12 comments, last by BCullis 11 years, 4 months ago
Im just wondering if anyone could help me out a bit...
First of all im making topdown 2d shooter with C++ and SDL and iwe got a problem with the bullet animation...
Anyone knows what math code should I use that the ''bullet'' would follow the mouse coordinates and then acctually go in a straight line from char coordinates to mouse coordinates? Tnx for any ideas...
You would probably have to use a little bit of linear algebra for this, a rough idea is to subtract your mouse position from your player position to get the direction vector, then you can normalize it, and every frame that you want to animate the bullet, you just add this direction vector to your velocity and multiply it by the bullets speed (and deltaTime if you have one)

something like,
[source lang="cpp"]///in class h
Vector2 direction;
Vector2 velocity;
vector2 position;
float bulletSpeed;

///when you fire gun
direction = playerPos - mousePos;

///In your bullet update
///dt is frame delta time

velocity = direction * bulletSpeed * dt;

position += velocity;[/source]

Other people will probably have some better ways to go about it, but that should get you started

Other people will probably have some better ways to go about it, but that should get you started
I don't think there are other ways that make any sense, actually.
Actually, depending on his needs, it may be better to use a discrete pixel by pixel method.

You can calculate the angle of the click and the mouse by using:
[source lang="cpp"]angle = atan2f(clickedPosition.y - currentPos.y, clickedPosition.x - currentPos.x);[/source]

Then use the angle to calculate a "final" position, given a maximum distance that a bullet shall move:
[source lang="cpp"]finalX = currentPos.fX + (cos(angle) * maximumMovement);
nextY = currentPos.fY + (sin(angle) * maximumMovement);

And finally use the bresenham algorithm to find all the pixels the buttlet would move by:

[source lang="cpp"]void bresenham(unsigned x0, unsigned y0, unsigned x1, unsigned y1){

int dx = absolute(x1-x0);
int dy = absolute(y1-y0);

int sx, sy;
if (x0 < x1){
sx = 1;
sx = -1;

if (y0 < y1){
sy = 1;
sy = -1;

int err = dx-dy;
while (!(x0 == x1 && y0 == y1)){

int errTimesTwo = 2 * err;
if (errTimesTwo > -dy){
err -= dy;
x0 = x0 + sx;

if (errTimesTwo < dx){
err += dx;
y0 += sy;


Of course you would need some adjusts if you want the bullets to be dodgeable/renderable projectiles.
The advantages of this method is that it is really easy to find the bullet path and check for collisions if you need it.

Hope this helps biggrin.png

Currently working on a scene editor for ORX (http://orx-project.org), using kivy (http://kivy.org).

The first section there calculates the same location as Xaer0's simple approach, but does it in a more complicated and less efficient manner, thus does not make sense.

Bresenham's algo is almost completely unrelated to the question, and likely does not make sense for him to use in collision detection.
Thanks guys im going to try em all to see what I get...
First just one question from Xaer0 what is that direction.normalize() and how do I use it?
normalizing a vector makes the sum of all the components (x and y in this case) = 1,


that can explain it MUCH better than I can, very helpful and good to know for future use

The first section there calculates the same location as Xaer0's simple approach, but does it in a more complicated and less efficient manner, thus does not make sense.

Bresenham's algo is almost completely unrelated to the question, and likely does not make sense for him to use in collision detection.

That was a bit rude, but let me clarify:

1) It doesn't do the same thing, it calculates a starting point and a predicted end point. His method calculates a direction and will interpolate it.
2) Atan2f is implemented uses a few ifs and atan, while the normalization uses sqrt, no one is "faster" in this point.
3) Breseham will interpolate using integer operations only, while Xaer0's approach used float point math that is slower.
4) The method Xaer0 suggested may move the bullet several pixels at each time the formula is executed, which may lead the bullet to bypass something it shouldn't (such as a wall). The method that I suggested will give the bullet trajectory, pixel by pixel.

Don't get me wrong, both methods will work, it is just a different approach for the same problem, the advantage is that it gives the tragetory, the disadvantage is that it is slower and a bit harder to use.

Currently working on a scene editor for ORX (http://orx-project.org), using kivy (http://kivy.org).

Thanks guys im going to try em all to see what I get...
First just one question from Xaer0 what is that direction.normalize() and how do I use it?

Normalizing takes any length of vector and turns it into a "unit" vector, with length 1. This is mostly helpful when calculating things like direction (your case, perfect!), because if you then want to use that direction along with a speed or velocity variable, you don't want the "length" of the direction to interfere with the calculation. For example:

If I click on a point all the way across the screen, the initial vector calculated will be incredible long. That represents both the direction and the distance from the player/vehicle to my clicked point. If I used that vector in a multiplication with my bullet's velocity, it would be magnified by how far away the point was (and therefore, I could fire much faster bullets by clicking far away, and slower ones by clicking near myself). By normalizing it, the distance of that vector is changed to 1, while preserving the "direction" value. Multiplying anything by 1 doesn't change your outcome, so it's safe to use in your bullet velocity and travel case.

Edit: forgot to add, it's also crucial when trying to do other vector math like dot and cross products. Without normalized vectors in those instances, your results will be skewed and/or represent different properties of their related data than what you intended.

Hazard Pay :: FPS/RTS in SharpDX (gathering dust, retained for... historical purposes)
DeviantArt :: Because right-brain needs love too (also pretty neglected these days)

4) The method Xaer0 suggested may move the bullet several pixels at each time the formula is executed, which may lead the bullet to bypass something it shouldn't (such as a wall). The method that I suggested will give the bullet trajectory, pixel by pixel.

This might be a good place to point out that if you do collision detection in "pixel space", you are doing it wrong and should have a close look at why proper collision detection is very different from "checking for intersections every frame". After that you will realize why brute forcing collision detection by moving stuff in a painful pixel by pixel fashion to check every single one along the way is getting you down voted.

Sorry, but every time someone is throwing trigonometry at trivial problems it's making me cry.

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