Errors When Reading CG Source Files

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8 comments, last by jburke4126 11 years, 4 months ago
Hello all!

I've been trying to load a CG shader from a file, however, I get the following errors: : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting "::" at token "." : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting "::" at token ";" : error C1016: expression type incompatible with function return type : error C1108: function "basic_v" has no statements

when I load the source using the following code:

CGprogram vs = NULL;

vs = cgCreateProgramFromFile(this->context, CG_SOURCE,
        reinterpret_cast(e.vertexShaderFileName.c_str()), vertProfile,
        reinterpret_cast(e.vertexShaderEntryPoint.c_str()), profileOpts);

where vertProfile is the optimal vertex profile (vs_5_0 on my computer) and profileOpts is an array of arguments to the compiler (neither of these variables are relevant to my problem).

What could cause this?  The vertex shader source is as follows:

struct VertexOutput
    float4 position : POSITION;
    float3 color : COLOR;

VertexOutput basic_v(float4 position : POSITION)
    VertexOutput out;
    out.position = position;
    out.color = float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
    return out;

My Google searches haven't revealed any relevant information.

Thanks in advance for any help!
I am not that familiar with CG as I'm a hlsl/glsl person, however is it possible that you are confusing the entry point? Just had a look at the wikipedia article, and it looks like CG requires an entry point named main:


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is it possible that you are confusing the entry point? Just had a look at the wikipedia article, and it looks like CG requires an entry point named main

I tried changing the entry point to main, and I still got the same errors. I was doubtful about such a fix anyway, because if CG required an entry point named 'main' it would be pointless to specify an entry point when loading the shader.
Cg doesn't require entry point to be named main..

Have you tried running it through cgc? Maybe it gives you some more to work with..

Isn't "out" a reserved keyword?

Yes, 'out' is a reserved keyword, so I changed that in both my vertex shader and fragment shader. Thanks for that, I feel stupid now.

Now the shader compiles correctly, however:

cgD3D11LoadProgram(vs, flags);
setVertexLayout(vs);  // vs is still null even after being set by cgCreateProgramFromFile, so setVertexLayout causes an Access Violation Exception

What would be causing this? My log shows that both cgCreateProgramFromFile and cgD3D11LoadProgram were successful (that is, calling cgGetLastErrorString returns CG_NO_ERROR).

What is the HRESULT returned by cgD3D11LoadProgram()?

What is the HRESULT returned by cgD3D11LoadProgram()?

According to the debugger, the value is 0x8876086c, but again, cgGetLastErrorString returns CG_NO_ERROR after cgD3D11LoadProgram. To me, that HRESULT is pretty meaningless, but I don't think cgD3D11LoadProgram() is the issue because according to the debugger the memory address of vs (CGprogram is a pointer type) after returned from cgCreateProgramFromFile is 0x0000000e, which I suspect would not be a valid pointer location.

Edit: sorry for the multiple edits; for some reason my full response wouldn't show up.

That return value is assigned to D3DERR_INVALIDCALL, so I'm not sure the cgGetLastError*() functions return behind the scenes D3D11 errors.

Have you tried creating a device with the debug layer?

Yes, the flags used for creating the device include D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG. Also, I did call cgD3D11SetDevice with a valid device polnter before I loaded the shader, so I have no idea what's going on.

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