Function template problem

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1 comment, last by iMalc 11 years, 3 months ago


The template class looks as follows:

template <class DATA_TYPE,class INT_TYPE>
class Matrix
  DATA_TYPE *data; //data container
  INT_TYPE Rows,Cols; //number of columns and rows

Let us consider a situation in which there are four template instantations.

typedef Matrix<float,unsigned int> FloatMatrix;
typedef Matrix<double,unsigned int> DoubleMatrix;
typedef Matrix<signed int,unsigned int>IntMatrix;
typedef Matrix<unsigned int,unsigned int>uIntMatrix;

I have a function that prints a matrix in the console window. It actually does exactly the same for Float- and DoubleMatrix classes and behaves identically for Int- and uIntMatrix classes. But it behaves differently for integer and real matrices.

My question is:Is there any better way for defining the display function instead of writing it four times? If I make one template, it will not work properly for real matrices or for int matrices.

template<class DATA_TYPE,class INT_TYPE>
Display(const Matrix<DATA_TYPE,INT_TYPE> &M)
 //do sth

If I make specializations then I will have four definitions:

template<class INT_TYPE>
Display(const Matrix<double,INT_TYPE> &M)
 //do sth

template<class INT_TYPE>
Display(const Matrix<float,INT_TYPE> &M)
 //do sth

template<class INT_TYPE>
Display(const Matrix<int,INT_TYPE> &M)
 //do sth

template<class INT_TYPE>
Display(const Matrix<unsigned int,INT_TYPE> &M)
 //do sth

Is there any better solution?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


You can use std::enable_if, or the boost equivalent, to select specialization for different groups of types. For example, you can select integers and reals using something like this:

template<typename T> void foo(T v, typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer>::type * = nullptr)
std::cout << "integer" << std::endl;

template<typename T> void foo(T v, typename std::enable_if<!std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer>::type * = nullptr)
std::cout << "real" << std::endl;

int main()
foo(1); // int
foo((short)2); // short
foo(3.0); // double
foo(4.0f); // float

int and short calls the integer variant, float and double calls the real variant, and std::enable_if is used to include/exclude certain templates from the name resolution.

Also, are the number of rows and cols really not known at compile-time? If they are known at compile time, then making them too template parameters could be a good idea.
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