Lite App - Link to full version or unlock levels?

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1 comment, last by Rancorb 11 years, 3 months ago

What's the current opinion on Lite apps and providing access to the full game?

Apple just rejected the Lite version of my game (Aeolus) because they didn't like the way I attempted to show the levels available in the full version. They also suggested making all the levels available via in-app purchase instead of re-directing to the full version.

Here was my first effort at the chapters screen:


and the levels screen:


While it's annoying to have it rejected (I thought it was obvious what was going on, but meh!) it did get me thinking about how these things are handled nowadays. There are two real options I can see:

1. Separate lite and full versions - put a "buy full game" sticker on everything that's locked in the lite version, show a confirmation window with more adverts showing how good your game is before linking to the full version on the app store. E.g. Angry Birds Star Wars (Free). Downsides - slower to get full version?

2. Lite version with option for in-app purchase to unlock all levels. Supposedly easier for the user, plus they can keep their progress from the game so far. Downsides - I'd originally made levels available to try throughout the game, while the full version has to unlock every level in sequence. Would need to find a way to keep the original progression without annoying the unlockers, or change the selection of levels in the trial version. Plus the name would then be wrong (Lite but containing all the levels), which bugs me for some reason.

Has anyone here got any experience with Full v's Lite v's unlocking Levels in mobile apps? Which do you prefer when buying games?



Tim Cooper - software developer, project manager and occasional iOS app developer.

Creative Shadows Ltd - My hobby company website


The reason apple rejected your app for showing the Levels in your full game is because in the Apple "Rules" it says that your app should be a full functioning app and not a "DEMO" or "TASTER" app. If you are showing the levels even though you don't actually say it it's kind of like saying "now you've tried the broken version check out what is in the full version".

The way I do it is this:
Lite version with small level limit and IAdds with a link to the full/pro version an. Also have a single in app purchase that will remove the adds and upgrade the app to be the same as the full version. Also you don't have to call it Lite, even though your bundle Ids are different you can still display the same title under the icon on the springboard by editing your info.plist.

I think the problem was in how I presented the unavailable content, otherwise no Lite version with unavailable levels and a link to the app store would make it through. Probably need to make it clearer what's what and how to get things. Apparently the way to do this is to slap a "Buy Full Version" sticker on every locked chapter or level instead of just greying it out. At least thats what Angry Birds Star Wars got away with ;)

Thanks for reminding me about the display name in info.plist, I keep forgetting that the app name and display name can be different. I think I am going to try the in-app purchase route after all, and give away the entire first chapter of the game. That way people can just pay and carry on playing without losing their progress.

Cheers for the reply and help.

Tim Cooper - software developer, project manager and occasional iOS app developer.

Creative Shadows Ltd - My hobby company website

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