Need help on how to instantiate a class in Boo in Unity

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-1 comments, last by Christoher Randin 11 years, 3 months ago

Here is the post, Kinda long and was neatly prepared here. The class itself isn't really important, just the initial setup.

I got it to work in Unityscript, but I prefer to use Boo. Also, if someone could explain why this is happening.

I also got Unity to stop complaining with the following:

class CombatController (MonoBehaviour): 
	public Robo as PlayerAttributes
	def Start ():
		Robo = GetComponent(PlayerAttributes)
		Robo.SetInitialStats('Robo', 20, 21, 19, 20, 18, 22, 22, 57000)

But my Robo variable which is of class PlayerAttributes is't affected at all according to the inspector.

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