How do you store your matrix and vector data(DirectXMath related)?

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-1 comments, last by mrheisenberg 11 years, 3 months ago

Ok this is probably a bit of a matter of personal preference,but how do you find it better to work with when storing matrix and vector data,by using the container structs(XMFLOAT#) or by just storing an align-allocated XMMATRIX or XMVECTOR.I mean for speed obviously it's better to for instance store a XMMATRIX in the Camera class instead of a XMFLOAT4X4 and to always use XMMATRIX as an argument and return types in it's methods,and the same in all other classes who use matrices,so you would minimize loading/storing,but on the other hand sometimes it's very inconvenient to do it this way.Also,I'm not sure if using this way of storage works on x64 xD What are your thoughts?

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