Getting applications directory?

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1 comment, last by Trienco 11 years, 1 month ago


currently when I want to load resources like images etc.. in my application (VS10) I have to give it a path like this:

wstring sFilename = L"../../Editor/Frame/Cursor.png";

Now I've designed my resource loader so that it will append the "../../Editor/"-part. But still, this will only work when the directory is namend "editor". How do I get the real name of the directory the application is in (or, in that case, the upper directory because the app will be in "Editor/Debug"? Its not a big deal but it has bugged me for a while. Any idea?

In Windows you can use the API function GetModuleFileName() to get the fully qualified name for the process executable. Trim off the file name to get the path.

Though I would consider changing the project settings to your need, rather than writing your code to work around an inconvenient setup.

The path is already relative, so the only problem should be the difference between running from the IDE and running the binary directly.


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