Engine that doesn't require developer licence?

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2 comments, last by 21st Century Moose 11 years ago

I'm looking for a Game Engine that doesn't require me to pay for a Developer License, I'm making a very low budget game with almost no money to pay for a Developer License, so I'm just wondering if there are any engines I can use that don't require me to pay anything and that do not limit my use of them for not paying.


What language(s) do you wan't to develop in? 2D or 3D? Any other requirements of the engine?

You can use the free version of Unity unless you make over 100,000 dollars on your games profit, then you need a license. Unity can make 3D games, you need to know some scripting.

Game Maker has a free version as well, it is exclusively for 2D development. No code required.

I use Java with LWJGL, which is free. 2D or 3D games, but you need to know Java.

Stay gold, Pony Boy.

Any of the id Software GPL engine releases will also suit your needs, although they may not suit the type of game you wish to make, and you will have to abide by the GPL for any code modifications you do.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

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