Best API for input nowadays?

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1 comment, last by Muzzy A 10 years, 11 months ago

I'm getting ready to set up some input, and I'm curious of what might be the best thing to use.

  • Direct Input - Out dated right?
  • Regular old Windows messages raw input?

I want to have full support on multiple controllers,keyboards, and mice. So really what would be a good API to work with?


I would recommend Windows Messages for keyboard and mouse. For controllers, it depends on your target. If you are targeting the Windows Store, XInput is your only choice there. It gives you support for XBox 360 controllers. If you want to support legacy DirectInput controllers and don't want to target Windows Store, then DirectInput (or a combination of XInput and DirectInput) is an option.

Hey thanks for your input. I'll have to do a search on XInput and check it out

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