Problem with Color Correction and 3D LUT

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11 comments, last by lipsryme 10 years, 11 months ago

I'm having some issues with color correction using a 3D LUT.

I'm using a neutral LUT 16x16x16 from the UnrealEngine page here:

I've open it up in photoshop and saved it as a Volume Texture DDS (32bpp unsigned ARGB8) using the nvidia plugin.

And here's my shader:

float4 PS(in VSOutput input) : SV_Target
	float3 rawColor = InputTexture0.Sample(LinearClampSampler, input.UV).rgb;

	float3 scale = (float3(16, 16, 16) - 1.0f) / float3(16, 16, 16);
	float3 offset = 1.0f / (2.0f - float3(16, 16, 16));

	float3 colorCorrected = LUT.Sample(LinearClampSampler, scale * rawColor + offset).rgb;
	return float4(colorCorrected, 1.0f);

The code is from this sample here:

Can someone spot the problem ? : /

Not sure if the problem has to do with the order of rendering.

I'm currently tonemapping my linear result to a R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB target, then use this as the input for the color correction which then outputs to my R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB backbuffer.

Here's a screen of what my result looks like:

And here's the original for comparison:

float3 Scale = (16.0f - 1.0f) / 16.0f; //volume texture size
float3 Offset = 1.0f / (2.0f * 16.0f);
Here's my code for the scale and offset calculations. Seems that your offset has a slight error.

God you're right, stupid error.

Okay so the color seems fixed now, but I'm still getting the pixelated borders around everything.

You are probably sampling off the pixel center? Either use point sampling or load instruction or correct your sampling position.


I'm using DX11 so I it shouldn't...

When using point sampling it looks horrible with a lot of banding artifacts (also doesn't fix the pixel borders):

How would I need to correct it to work ?

That's really strange ... It should work with point sampling too, and it shouldn't produce any banding artifacts.

Are you using MSAA ?


I'm not...
Do you suppose this is related to gamma correction issues? I just don't see what could possibly wrong. I'm using the output of my tonemapping as the input scene which is in regular 32 bit unsigned format and being output to an srgb target after being linear.

update: Gamma correction does not seem to be the problem. I've tried using regular R8G8B8A8_UNORM for both outputs. Besides being in the wrong color space the border issue was still there. Maybe it's the LUT texture ?

update2: I just tried making it the only post effect in my chain, and I've tried using regular LDR for shading. The pixel border still appears. This has to be either an issue with the input texture or the sampling process..

If I just output rawColor inside the color correction shader I get the perfect original scene. But using the LUT I get the border.

It looks almost like an edge highlighting. Using LinearWrap makes it even more apparent.

Only difference I can see between your and my implementation that I use SampleLevel(s_linear,Color,0) to sample the volume texture, so that mip maps won't affect the output.

[edit]Are you able to use "load" instruction? It should be equivalent to point sampling, although you'll index the texture instead of using texture coordinates.


That was it ! Amazing how a mipmap could screw this up...

Thanks so much smile.png

Glad to be able to help. I was fighting the same code (with different issues though) last week.


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