ID3D11ShaderReflection struct field names

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-1 comments, last by doesnotcompute 10 years, 10 months ago

I'm trying to use the ID3D11ShaderReflection API to basically dump all the constant information about my shaders: the location of every variable and every field in every structure. I'm iterating over each variable in each constant buffer, and when I encounter a variable of type D3D_SVC_STRUCT, I'm trying to iterate over each field. I cannot however seem to get the names of the struct fields.

The type description for the struct itself will have a name like "material_t" (the name of the struct type), but the actual field types obtained with GetMemberTypeByIndex just have names like "float3" "float4" etc. I realize this follows the model established by the struct type name, but I was hoping to be able to get the actual field name as well so I can use the information I'm extracting to locate specific fields within the struct.

I'm trying to fit this inside an existing code base that expects to be able to set individual fields by name. Does anyone know of a way I can get this information with the reflection API? I realize I can get the disassembly and parse the field names out of there but that feels pretty clumsy when there is a (apparently almost functional) reflection API provided by Microsoft.


I should add, I looked at ID3D11ShaderReflectionType::GetMemberTypeName which takes an index and returns a name, and *sounds* like returns the information I want, however it seems to always return NULL on the shaders I've tested.


Of course I was asking the field type itself for a member type name (and it has no members) I needed to ask the parent variable for the name! So this is resolved :D

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