TGA Problems

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1 comment, last by Viscous-Flow 22 years, 6 months ago
Hello, I have searched all over the forums on (using the nifty search function ). I have yet to find a resolve to my problem. Well here goes. I got the uncompressed TGA to load ggrrreeeaaaatttt! It's the compressed that's making me mad. When I run the program with a compressed image I get a Degug Error that says DAMAGE: after Normal block (#18) at 0x006F5294. When I debug the application the error code the compiler finds is in DbgHeap.c
/* forced failure */
if (!(*_pfnAllocHook)(_HOOK_FREE, pUserData, 0, nBlockUse, 0L, NULL, 0))
    _RPT0(_CRT_WARN, "Client hook free failure.\n");

Here is my code for the compressed TGA. It's essentially based on NeHe's code and this websites code.
//  Gets the tga image data if it is compressed

int GLImage::tgaGetCompressedData()
	//  Allocate memory for the image data

	tgaImageData = (unsigned char*)malloc(tgaImageSize);

	//  Check to make sure the allocation of memory was a success

	if(tgaImageData == NULL)
		return 0;

	int	currentPixel	= 0;	//  Current pixel that is being read from data

	int currentByte		= 0;	//  Current byte we are writing into image data

	//  Storage space for one pixel

	unsigned char *	colorBuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(tgaImageBytes);

	//  Begin the uncompression loop

		int chunkHeader = 0;	//  Variables to store the value of te ID chunk

		//  Attemp to read the chunk's header

		if(fread(&chunkHeader, sizeof(int), 1, file) == NULL)
			if(tgaImageData != NULL)
			if(colorBuffer != NULL)
			return 0;
		if(chunkHeader < 128)	//  If the chunk is a 'RAW' chunk

			chunkHeader++;	//  Add on to the value to get the total number of RAW pixels

			//  Start RAW pixel reading loop

			for(short i = 0; i < chunkHeader; i++)
				//  Try to read one pixel and if it fails return false

				if(fread(colorBuffer, 1, tgaImageBytes, file) != (size_t)tgaImageBytes)
					if(tgaImageData != NULL)

					if(colorBuffer != NULL)
						free (colorBuffer);
					return 0;

				tgaImageData[currentByte]		= colorBuffer[2];	//  Write the 'R' byte

				tgaImageData[currentByte + 1]	= colorBuffer[1];	//  Write the 'G' byte

				tgaImageData[currentByte + 2]	= colorBuffer[0];	//  Write the 'B' byte

				//  If the image is 32bpp

				if(tgaImageBytes == 4)
					tgaImageData[currentByte + 3] = colorBuffer[3];	//  Write the 'A' byte

				currentByte += tgaImageBytes;	//  Increment the byte counter

				currentPixel++;					//  Increment the pixel counter

				//  If the program read to many pixels

				if(currentPixel > tgaImagePixels)
					if(tgaImageData != NULL)

					if(colorBuffer != NULL)
						free (colorBuffer);
					return 0;
		//  If it's an RLE header

			chunkHeader -= 127;	//  Subtract 127 to get rid of the ID bit

			//  Read the next pixel and check if an error occurred

			if(fread(colorBuffer, 1, tgaImageBytes, file) != (size_t)tgaImageBytes)
				if(tgaImageData != NULL)

				if(colorBuffer != NULL)
					free (colorBuffer);
				return 0;

			//  Start the RLE pixel reading loop

			for(short j = 0; j < chunkHeader; j++)
				tgaImageData[currentByte]		= colorBuffer[2];	//  Write the 'R' byte

				tgaImageData[currentByte + 1]	= colorBuffer[1];	//  Write the 'G' byte

				tgaImageData[currentByte + 2]	= colorBuffer[0];	//  Write the 'B' byte

				//  If the image is 32bpp

				if(tgaImageBytes == 4)
					tgaImageData[currentByte + 3] = colorBuffer[3];	//  Write the 'A' byte

				currentByte += tgaImageBytes;	//  Increment the byte counter

				currentPixel++;					//  Increment the pixel counter

				//  If the program read to many pixels

				if(currentPixel > tgaImagePixels)
					if(tgaImageData != NULL)

					if(colorBuffer != NULL)
						free (colorBuffer);
					return 0;

	} while(currentPixel < tgaImagePixels);

	//  Release the colorBuffer memory


	return 1;
If it is of any use I generate the RLE compression using the GIMP image editing program. ThAnKs in AdVaNcE! Edited by - Viscous-Flow on October 22, 2001 12:23:19 AM
No response in one and and half days . I guess you all are busy writing your own games, debugging code at work, or doing whatever you do (I understand) . Just a simple reply of there''s nothing I can see wrong with the code would suffice since if that happens I''ll just trash my RLE loading code and start from scratch .

Anyways the people on (and people in general) have always helped me out and I appreciate it, and I think people appreciate it when I help them. So, I would just like it if someone gave me a helping hand.

Thanks in advance !!!!
I dont know if this will help ya but here is the code I use to uncompress tga''s:

  BOOL bNewTGAFormat = FALSE;	if (strcmp(tgafoot.cSignature, "TRUEVISION-XFILE.") == 0)		bNewTGAFormat = TRUE;	fileHeader.byImageType = 2;	int Srcbytes=fileHeader.nImageWidth;	Srcbytes*=3;	Srcbytes=((Srcbytes+3)&~3);	int Offset=4-(fileHeader.nImageWidth%4);	if (Offset==4)		Offset=0;	int iWidthBytes=(fileHeader.nImageWidth+Offset)*3;	int size=(	iWidthBytes*fileHeader.nImageHeight)				+sizeof(TGA_FILE_HEADER);	DWORD dwFileLength = size;	char* UncompressedTga=new char[size/*+sizeof(TGA_FILE_HEADER)*/];	ZeroMemory(UncompressedTga,size/*+sizeof(TGA_FILE_HEADER)*/);	char* UncompressedTgaPtr=UncompressedTga;	char* charP  = new char[size];	ZeroMemory(charP,size);    int   width  = fileHeader.nImageWidth;    int   depth  = fileHeader.nImageHeight;    int   pitch  = width*(fileHeader.byPixelDepth/8);    int   pwidth = fileHeader.byPixelDepth/8;	memcpy(UncompressedTgaPtr,(LPSTR)&fileHeader,sizeof(fileHeader));	UncompressedTgaPtr+=sizeof(fileHeader);		for ( int y = 0; y < depth; y++ ) 	{		for ( int x = 0; x < width; ) 		{            int ctl;			unsigned char ret = 0;			file.Read((char*)&ret,1);			int reti = (int)ret;		    ctl = reti&0xff;           if ( ctl >= 0x80 ) 			{ // next pixel repeated {ctl} times                ctl = ( ctl & 0x7f ) + 1;                unsigned char buff[ 8 ];				file.Read( (char*)buff, pwidth );                while ( ctl-- ) 				{                    memcpy( charP + x * pwidth, buff, pwidth );                    x++;                }            }            else 			{ // next {ctl} pixels uncompressed                ctl = ctl + 1;				file.Read( (char*) charP + x * pwidth, ctl * pwidth );                x += ctl;            }        }		memcpy(UncompressedTgaPtr,charP,pitch);		UncompressedTgaPtr+=pitch;		charP += pitch;	}	charP-=((pitch*depth));	delete[]charP;	file.Close();	if (fileHeader.byColorMapType != 0)	{		TRACE(_T("Color map type is non zero in the TGA file header for this uncompressed true-color tga file, instead it is %d\n"), fileHeader.byColorMapType);		return NULL;	}        //Determine the end offset of the "Image Data"	DWORD dwEndImageData = 0;	if (bNewTGAFormat)		dwEndImageData = tgafoot.lExtensionAreaOffset - 1;	else		dwEndImageData = dwFileLength;  //Determine the start offset of the "Image Data" and the pointer to   //the color map	DWORD dwStartImageData = sizeof(TGA_FILE_HEADER) + fileHeader.byIdLength;  //Read in the image data	DWORD dwImageSize = (size-sizeof(TGA_FILE_HEADER));  ////////////////////	if (tgafoot.lExtensionAreaOffset==0)		dwImageSize=dwFileLength;	BYTE* pImageData = new BYTE[dwImageSize];	ZeroMemory(pImageData,dwImageSize);	UncompressedTgaPtr=UncompressedTga;	UncompressedTgaPtr+=sizeof(TGA_FILE_HEADER);  

I then go on to convert to a bitmap. Hope it helps.
Just my thoughts take them as you will. "People spend too much time thinking about the past, whatever else it is, its gone"-Mel Gibson, Man Without A Face

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