how to I design my mesh class

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11 comments, last by sobeit 10 years, 10 months ago

Here is how i'd change my last post after reading your original question:

Thanks man, it really helped me out.

by the way, do you think I need to make function "GetVectorAt" return "const float * "?

That entirely depends on wether or not the rest of your code base is const correct. Being const correct is a good thing (we're required at work) but for demo / prototype / learning code I never worry about it.

Much more important than const correctness or C++ 11 goodies is for you to really think about what you are trying to make and plan accordingly. Really try to separate your logic and data, it will make maintainability actually feasible ;)

Really try to separate your logic and data, it will make maintainability actually feasible ;)

Thank you very much. I'll try to apply this rule in my future work as much as possible.

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