Getting notified when fullscreen mode is interrupted

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2 comments, last by 21st Century Moose 10 years, 8 months ago

hi, i use DX11 to bring my game into an exclusive fullscreen mode.

i want to handle the events, when the fullscreen mode is interrupted by the OS. like when alt+tab is pressed, or ctrl+alt+del.

is there an event on the Window or the WindowHandle where i can subscribe to?


You might want to use GetForegroundWindow() and compare the result with your window handle.

In your windows message loop, you can listen for events of type "WM_ACTIVATE" and "wParam == WA_INACTIVE".

See the msn documentation for details.

This will solve only part of your problem though, because it won't work for all the possible cases:

  • For alt-tab and windows-key, you will receive a WM_ACTIVATE event.
  • For ctrl+alt+del and lock screen (windows-key + L) you will not receive an event.

So, if you really want to catch all possible cases where your fullscreen mode is interrupted, you have to do what Medo3337 pointed out:

In regular time intervals, actively check the state of your window and/or your display device. This might seem inconvenient, but I have found no better way.

You may also wish to test the return value from your Present call for DXGI_STATUS_OCCLUDED which should happen if another window is occluding the game window.

Further reading: IDXGISwapChain::Present

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

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