Single pass ALPHA Texutre + DIFFUSE COLOR?

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0 comments, last by dpadam450 10 years, 8 months ago


My problem is as follows:

1. I have a 32 BIT RGBA texture with colors and ALPHA. The texture contains a logo.

2. I would like to draw the logo transparent on a QUAD which is solid and SIGNLE color. I use:


3. The logo gets drawn, but it is TRANSPARENT. It ignores any BACKGROUND color I would like to use.

So to simplify, I can avoid the problem by:

1. Draw a QUAD of signle color without texturing

2. Draw the QUAD again with ALPHA texture

Why do I have to draw 2 times? Is there a way, I would provide color either glColor or glMaterial and use it in single pass?

I do not use any shaders. Fixed function pipeline ONLY. I have read something about glTexEnv but I do not understand it.

Feel free to post.

Thank you in advance!


glColor4f(1,1,1,1) before drawing. What do you mean it is transparent? fully or partially?

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