Help with 2d texture array for maps in XNA

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8 comments, last by Manhattanisgr8 10 years, 8 months ago

I have been having trouble drawing a 2d texture array for my different levels for a breakout clone. Below is the code I have thus far. Right now, it draws the bricks 7 wide and 10 tall...however, I want it to be 10 wide, and 7 tall. Right now I am initializing it with a bricks of one color (green) just to make sure it is drawing where I want it. However, how would I draw a blank space where I have a 0 in my 2d array? Any help would be appreciated.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;

namespace BreakThroughTime
    class Levels1950
        // Variables for bricks
        // Texture2D array to store the different colors of bricks
        private List<Texture2D> brickList;

        // Brick textures
        private Texture2D greenBrick, blueBrick, yellowBrick, redBrick;

        // Texture for background
        private Texture2D backgroundTexture;

        // List for rectangles used to detect collision when bricks are drawn
        private List<Rectangle> brickPosition;

        // Bool to determine if a brick is active or not
        private bool isActive;

        // Bool to determine if level is complete
        private bool isLevelComplete;

        // Level 1 map
        private int[,] map = new int[,]

        // Get upper bounds for map array
        int bound0;
        int bound1;

        // Constructor for LevelManager
        public Levels1950(Texture2D greenBrick, Texture2D blueBrick, Texture2D yellowBrick, Texture2D redBrick, Texture2D backgroundTexture)
            this.greenBrick = greenBrick;
            this.blueBrick = blueBrick;
            this.yellowBrick = yellowBrick;
            this.redBrick = redBrick;
            this.backgroundTexture = backgroundTexture;

            brickList = new List<Texture2D>();

            isActive = false;
            isLevelComplete = false;

            bound0 = map.GetUpperBound(0);
            bound1 = map.GetUpperBound(1);

        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)

        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            for (int x = 0; x <= bound0; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y <= bound1; y++)
                    if (map[x,y] == 0)
                        spriteBatch.Draw(greenBrick, new Vector2(x * greenBrick.Width, y * greenBrick.Height), Color.White);

                    if (map[x,y] == 1)
                        spriteBatch.Draw(greenBrick, new Vector2(x * greenBrick.Width, y * greenBrick.Height), Color.White);

Cpl Alt, Travis A



To get your map 10 wide and 7 tall, you need to reverse your x and y index usage. bound0 is the number of rows (y) and bound1 is the number of columns (x), not the other way around as you are using them.

To draw a blank space when you encounter a zero, just don't draw anything:

switch (map[y,x])
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:

To get your map 10 wide and 7 tall, you need to reverse your x and y index usage. bound0 is the number of rows (y) and bound1 is the number of columns (x), not the other way around as you are using them.

Switched the bound0 and bound1 around as well as the indexes, however now, I am getting a out of range exception error

public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            for (int x = 0; x <= bound1; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y <= bound0; x++)
                    if (map[y,x] == 0)
                        spriteBatch.Draw(greenBrick, new Vector2(x * greenBrick.Width, y * greenBrick.Height), Color.White);

                    if (map[y,x] == 1)
                        spriteBatch.Draw(greenBrick, new Vector2(x * greenBrick.Width, y * greenBrick.Height), Color.White);

Cpl Alt, Travis A


for (int y = 0; y <= bound0; x++)

"Did you mean: y++ ?"

- Google on your code. rolleyes.gif

Currently working on a scene editor for ORX (, using kivy (

for (int y = 0; y <= bound0; x++) <- y++

Thank you for pointing out my over sight. It works now.

Cpl Alt, Travis A


It is printing everything out correctly now. Last question however. How would I shift it to the right from 0,0 to center it on the screen. Should I declare a Vector2 named position and initialize it to where I want the first brick drawn and then add the width of the brick to the position after each time it draws a brick?

Cpl Alt, Travis A


Something like:

int xOffset = 100; // or whatever you come up with for the left edge
int yOffset = 20; // or whatever you come up with for the top edge


spriteBatch.Draw(greenBrick, new Vector2(x * greenBrick.Width + xOffset, y * greenBrick.Height + yOffset), Color.White);

Something like:

int xOffset = 100; // or whatever you come up with for the left edge
int yOffset = 20; // or whatever you come up with for the top edge


spriteBatch.Draw(greenBrick, new Vector2(x * greenBrick.Width + xOffset, y * greenBrick.Height + yOffset), Color.White);

Wouldn't that offset each brick from each other as well though?

Cpl Alt, Travis A



Assuming brick width is 10 for this example:

0 * greenBrick.Width + xOffset == 0 + 100 == 100;

1 * greenBrick.Width + xOffset == 10 + 100 == 110;

2 * greenBrick.Width + xOffset == 20 + 100 == 120;


I see what you are saying now. Thank you very much.

Cpl Alt, Travis A


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