How to make a dll of source that requires multiple compilation

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3 comments, last by Misery 10 years, 8 months ago

I have a source code that was written in C and therefore it uses a lot of macros as "templating" machanism. Although following code is C++ it illustrates this well:

#include <iostream>
#define IntType int
//#define IntType long
//#define IntType long long

#define CREATE_FUNCTION_NAME(it) function_for_it##_arg

#include "stdafx.h"

IntType CREATE_FUNCTION_NAME(IntType)(IntType x)
  return x*x;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    return 0;

My question is: How can I force Visual Studio (2010) to compile this for every required IntType and place all functions in DLL lib? In a standard manner I am able to create a project only for one IntType and get corresponding DLL. It is somewhat solution, but I would like to have all functions connected to this source in one DLL. Is it possible? A makefile project maybe? Example would be very useful.

Thanks in advance and Regards,



Make the definition a macro and instantiate the macro with the desired types.

IntType CREATE_FUNCTION_NAME(IntType)(IntType x) \
{ return x*x; }

I think you have to use a two-pass macro expansion to get the name-macro to expand correctly within the definition-macro, or just duplicate the name generation in the second macro manually, but the idea is what's important here.

I don't think it will work in my case. I have a source code containing hundreds of files containing really a lot of code. The question is rather how to set up a VS project than how to expand a macro, Orginally an IntType is defined in a makefile, and it is compiled in several steps. My question is: if it is possible to obtain something similar from the IDE level.

To set a preprocessor definition in the IDE go to project properties, C/C++, preprocessor and look at the preprocessor definitions line.

To set a preprocessor definition in the IDE go to project properties, C/C++, preprocessor and look at the preprocessor definitions line.

I've tried that and it allows only to compile it for one type. So when DLL is built I get undefined reference to other in types. IDE would have to compile sources three times and place the code in one DLL.

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