Idea I had - game tools reviews?

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0 comments, last by Gaiiden 9 years, 11 months ago

I had an idea. What if there was a review section for members to review game tools, game engines, and game creation software?

Or it could even be more than just reviewing the above-mentioned things. You could even add:

Reviews of game development books
Reviews of hardware to be used for game development (new PC, new Android device, etc.) so long as the review is constructive and pertains in

some way to game development.

I wouldn't necessarily go so far as encourage people to review actual languages though (C++, C#, etc) as that leads to language wars.


This, IMO, would fall under review articles as specified here. We used to have a more prominent section run by John Hattan that did a lot of book reviews but most of that was lost when we switched over to the new site.

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

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