Apocalypse Z - A cross platform mobile MMO

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-1 comments, last by VoidGames 9 years, 10 months ago
Kick starter link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/847240927/apocalypsez-a-mobile-mmo

ApocalypseZ Is Void Games'es first game. We are a team of internet nerds around the age of 25-29. We currently work other jobs and we are doing this project in our spare time in the Unity Pro engine.

What makes Apocalypse Z different from other zombie mmo's?

Ever wanted to play games like DayZ or Rust without spending thousands of dollars on a gaming pc? Apocalypse Z takes everything awesome from those pc games, and combines them into a mobile game with all the same amazing features

CROSSPLATFORM! Play together on PC, Android, IOS, Ouya, Mac, Windows phone 8! All platforms play together on the same server!

VoIP - Basically means you can talk in game to the people nearby you

Large map - Highly detailed, polished map, to support 100 players at a time

No microtransactions - Apocalypse Z is not going to have any microtransactions, (pay to win). We will not sell
guns or anything of the type and the game will be all skill-player based. You will be able to buy skins for you character in a later update after full release.

IOS/Android full support, game center, and google play are fully supported, what does that mean? Basically if you were playing on one of those platforms, you can easily invite your friend to join you on your adventure quick and without hassle.

No bad servers (international) - Our servers for the game are hosted all over the world, from Europe to the USA, you wont have to worry about full or laggy servers.

Realism - Fall damage, Bandaging, food and water are necessity's in apocalypse Z

No shoot on sight - In apocalypse Z, guns will be very rare and hard to find, this will encourage players to work together instead of blindly shooting one another.

Full developer cover: Us devs will post a few videos every couple of weeks showing off the newest additions to our game, leading up to the Alpha and Beta release!

Bluetooth and LAN!: We love getting together with friends and having fun! So were implementing a smaller PvE and Hunger games style arena to play with your friends, if you have access to internet then you and your friends can team up and join a public server and play together!

Vehicles! Over 50 different types of vehicles to scavenge and travel the map!

Real time player interaction: You see a bandit has two players hostage, you take out the bandit and set free the other players, who now are your friends, this all happened due to your decisions, you could have let them die, but you didn't, the choice is yours. its your story.

Want to get in on the action and see in engine pictures? Check it out here! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/847240927/apocalypsez-a-mobile-mmo

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