Should the player be just another entity in the etities list?

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13 comments, last by Norman Barrows 9 years, 3 months ago

Should the player be just another entity in the entities list?

perhaps with additional player specific data?

or should the player be a separate stand alone data structure with no entry in the entities list?

sometimes i see the player as simply another entity with extra data, that takes its input from the keyboard and mouse, instead of from AI.

i suppose the thing to do is make the player a separate data structure which shares common data structures with entities.

IE have a location struct: x,y,z.

and instead of entity and player x,y,z variables, you have entity.location and player.location.

and have methods that operate on a location struct, which therefore works for both player.locations and entity.locations.

that kind of idea....

how do you (or the game engine you use) do it?

I'm about to start serious coding on SIMSpace 8.0, and this is about the only thing i haven't decided on yet.

any recommendations?

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"




A significant portion of the player's interactions with the game world can be modeled exactly the same as other entities' interactions, so it makes sense to have the player be just another entity. However, the player will also usually require additionally bookkeeping data that doesn't apply to other entities, so it makes sense to have a dedicated structure for that.

I usually model this by having a "player controller" or some similar object which has a reference to the game entity representing the player. This allows the best of both worlds, and if done cleanly can also allow you to temporarily take control of other entities in the world for diagnostic purposes.

Of course, for games where the player has no avatar in the world itself (Tetris and other puzzle games, for example), this doesn't really apply.

My "player" implementation is terribly simplistic at this point but yeah, modeling the player as another entity with just specific player components, just like a vehicle would have vehicle specific components, looks natural to me. Besides, you'll have much less player specific hooks in your code that way (ie, why would a player animation be different from any other entity animation? or why would be the player entity movement be different from other entity movement? etc).


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

Josh's approach works well. For purely componentized engines (Unity, and others) you can model his advice using two different game objects (what you call entities).

The first game object is the avatar. An avatar in this sense is a controllable object. The controller could be a player, AI, or a cutscene script.

The second game object is the Player object. It has components for reading player input, attaching to a target avatar, and routing commands to that avatar. It would also store any per-player state that isn't specific to an avatar.

Example: your Avatar as a TransformComponent, AnimationComponent, SkinnedMeshComponent, CharacterControllerComponent, and HealthComponent. The player has an InputComponent, AvatarRouterComponent, and LivesComponent. Input is taken from the Player and routed to the Avatar. When the Avatar's health drops to zero and it dies, the Player's LivesComponent spawns a new avatar if he has any lives left.

Sean Middleditch – Game Systems Engineer – Join my team!

Note specifically that the conceptual "player" can be detached from a physical avatar object, which gracefully handles not only avatar death as Sean mentioned, but also the initialization and shutdown cases where you may want something representing a player to exist before the world and any entities are fully initialized and ready.

Keep in mind that the 'player' may not be a singular entity so much as a fluid collection of entities. Consider for example a game like Halo, where the player is one of several humanoid avatars, any of which may decide to drive a vehicle or operate a turret at any point.

If your game encompasses such a variety of interactions, then you need to not only switch between human and AI control of a given humanoid, but also allow human and AI controllers to 'possess' vehicles and turrets, and provide some way to redirect human input from player avatar to vehicle controls...

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

As long as the "player controller" and input logging mechanism are synchronized with the game logic time it is just a matter of design. Do not write this:

while ( !Quit ) {
    Entity.Do( WHAT_TO_DO, RenderTime.Delta() ); //Do() is virtual.

Should be pretty obvious that it is a matter of design when doing this way:

while ( !Quit ) {
    /* You should take the render time into consideration, 
     * but this is just a example. */
    Entity.Do( WHAT_TO_DO, LogicTime.Delta() ); //Do() is virtual.

Id like to hear more concrete examples on how to make a pluggable controller, like input and ai being able to control a character.

How do you make it reusable, capable of controlling different characters. Im thinking on comands to actions interpreter.

Both ai and input handler need to be aware of comands or actions, so they generate then in the same way. Then a receiver need to receive those and make the stuff happen.

ai / input handler (custom mapping) -> actions (sent to registered targets) -> char controller compo (execute actions) -> movable component (compo::move(dir)), etc

Something like that?

What happens for very different characters with different actions..Im imagining a map of actions to delegates, so the controller would simple call a delegate registered for the action..(that way you dont need inheritance and your char controller components can be in a pool ).


-movable compo (speed, dir, face dir, etc)

-sprite compo

-trafo compo

-collider compo

-ogre compo ( lvl, stats, attacks, etc )

-char controller compo ( custom action mapping, action A -> delegate(ogreCompo::Attack1())

-keyboar input compo ( custom key mapping, key K -> action A -> send to char controller )


-basic melee enemy ai agent compo ( some algo -> action A -> send to char conttroller )

Not really sure...

Maybe Im hijacking the thread, should I open another?

In my engine, I have given the player it's own entity in its own structure. However, with that said, I still draw its resources (textures, etc) from a resource list containing not only the resources from the player, but the other objects on the map as well.

I like the main player having it's own data structure / entity because most of the manipulation in my game is on the main player. Other entity lists such as models, when moving east, west, north, or south, in my engine, move around on the screen while the main character stands in the middle of the screen always, creating the effect that he is moving. Having myPlayer variable that points to the Main Player structure makes it easier to keep it exactly where I want it.

Also, myPlayer structure is always going to be visible. Almost all other entities on my resource lists are unloaded at some point and replaced by loading other entities. Keeping myPlayer on it's own structure, according to my resource list abilities anyway, just makes sure I don't accidentally unload the myPlayer. Considering that the main player shouldn't be unloaded (in my game anyway), it has no business hanging out with entities that are temporal.

I hope this helps at all.

Hope this helps.

In my game, all entities are just players. The game gives all entities all events, but just before the object checks for input, I clear the list and replace it with AI events. This way I make sure the player has identical abilities to other entities, wich I think makes the game more fun&realistic. Its a bit hacky though, so I am not sure if its a good idea.

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