Transparent complex animated objects sorting

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-1 comments, last by Gyiove Sparkle 9 years, 3 months ago

Hello everyone!

I was wondering, what method should i use when i wish to apply transparency on rendering animated object?

Right now i have object and it's skeleton and updating vertex position, for making animation, in shader.
So sorting triangles in cpu would take alot of power

( calculating triangles new pos based on skeleton animation then calculating distance relativity to camera and while doing this, sorting them as well, nearest to farthest )

I liked that 'Weighted average', it was really fast yet with 100% opacity ... things got weird.
'Depth peeling' is perhaps too slow

I know that in weighted average way the sorting is not needed yet i dont know how depth peeling works.

Anyways, so im waiting your opinion on what should i


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