Placing Vertices With Mouse Input In DirectX

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7 comments, last by Buckeye 9 years, 3 months ago


I have a project with box2d and directx where i would like to have the ability to create a polygon with vertices that are based on points that the mouse inputs and map them to the vert buffer. When clicked the mouse will give an x and y value from 0 to HEIGHT(800) and 0 to WIDTH(600).I managed to convert those points to object-space(-1.0 to 1.0):

float X = float((-1.0f)*((2.0f/float(SCREEN_WIDTH))*float(mouse.GetMouseX())-1.0f));
float Y = float((-1.0f)*((2.0f/float(SCREEN_HEIGHT))*float(mouse.GetMouseY())-1.0f)); 

but the problem arises when i add the World, View and Projection matrix i end up with inaccurate vertices( not where the mouse clicked). Basically i'm clicking in object-space when i should be clicking in projection-space.

So my question is is there a way to scale (convert) these vertices given by the mouse so that when they are in

projection-space they match the position of the mouse.

Any articles or tutorials on this or transformations would be great.


Note clicking a point actually defines an infinite line into the world, not a point. You have to decide what depth you want the point to be at.

Once you have the point in normalised projection space (-1 to 1) you just multiply by the inverse of the view*proj matrix.

In terms of the depth, I find thus best thought of as a ray pick against a plane that lies at the required depth and points towards the screen. Just construct a ray from the mouse pos then test it's intersection with the plane.

Yeah i forgot to state that the depth is 1.0f for all vertices .

Also how exactly should i go about multiplying the project(object) space. My position matrix looks like this

WVP = World * camView * camProjection; 

Should i use XMMatrixInverse(camView * camProjection) and just multiply it with the whole position matrix?

Do you want the vertices to be in object space, or in world space? Whichever one you want, you need to provide a homogenous coordinate (3D point with 1 as the w value) and transform it by the inverse of the appropriate matrix. Your proposed transform above would likely give you world space coordinates. If you want object space, you need to also include the world transform inside your inverse call.

So this is what i came up with. I used code from

I modified it so that instead of a ray i'm working with a point(i commented out pickRayInWorldSpacePos).

i use mouse input to determine (mouseX, mouseY and 1.0f for Z) the position(a vector) in Projection-space and then apply the inverse of the Projection*View matrix.

Then i just get the x,y,z from the vector and then map a vertex with these x,z,y coord to the vertex buffer.

It is drawing the vertices but not in the location i clicked.

I think the problem is that i'm not applying the inverse of the World matrix but i don't know how to get it because it's different for every vertex.

Or maybe the ray method is the way to go?

DirectX::XMFLOAT3 D3DGraphics::pick(float mouseX, float mouseY)
	//DirectX::XMVECTOR pickRayInWorldSpacePos; 
	DirectX::XMVECTOR pickRayInWorldSpaceDir;

	DirectX::XMVECTOR pickRayInViewSpaceDir = DirectX::XMVectorSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	//DirectX::XMVECTOR pickRayInViewSpacePos = DirectX::XMVectorSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	DirectX::XMFLOAT3 pickRayViewSpace;
pickRayViewSpace.x = ((2.0f * float(mouseX))/float(SCREEN_WIDTH) - 1.0f) / ReturnProjection(0,0);
pickRayViewSpace.y = -((2.0f * float(mouseY))/float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) - 1.0f) / ReturnProjection(1,1);
pickRayViewSpace.z = 1.0f;

	pickRayInViewSpaceDir = DirectX::XMVectorSet(pickRayViewSpace.x,pickRayViewSpace.y,pickRayViewSpace.z, 0.0f);

	// Transform 3D Ray from View space to 3D ray in World space
	DirectX::XMMATRIX pickRayToWorldSpaceMatrix;
	DirectX::XMVECTOR matInvDeter;	//We don't use this, but the xna matrix inverse function requires the first parameter to not be null

	pickRayToWorldSpaceMatrix = DirectX::XMMatrixInverse(&matInvDeter,camView*camProjection);

	//pickRayInWorldSpacePos = DirectX::XMVector3TransformCoord(pickRayInViewSpacePos, pickRayToWorldSpaceMatrix);
	pickRayInWorldSpaceDir = DirectX::XMVector3Transform(pickRayInViewSpaceDir, pickRayToWorldSpaceMatrix);

	DirectX::XMFLOAT3 Vertex;

	Vertex.x = DirectX::XMVectorGetX(pickRayInWorldSpaceDir);
	Vertex.y = DirectX::XMVectorGetY(pickRayInWorldSpaceDir);
	Vertex.z = DirectX::XMVectorGetZ(pickRayInWorldSpaceDir);

	return Vertex;
Your use of 1 as the depth seems odd. That would be on the far clip plane so would be a long way from the camera.

I'd also want to try verifying that the code to convert the mouse pos to projection coord was correct. Normally when doing things like this, I take it a step at a time and verify with debug output that each stage is correct.

Where do you get the mouse coordinates? Are they screen or client coordinates? If they're screen coordinates, you need to convert to client coordinates.

i'm not applying the inverse of the World matrix but i don't know how to get it because it's different for every vertex.

That doesn't quite make sense. If you're creating a polygon, every vertex of the polygon will be in the same space.

DirectX::XMVECTOR matInvDeter; //We don't use this, but the xna matrix inverse function requires the first parameter to not be null

XNA? You're using DirectXMath, are you not? The docs say "This parameter can be a nullptr." EDIT: see posts below.

i would like to have the ability to create a polygon with vertices that are based on points that the mouse inputs

Where are you trying to create the vertices? I.e., what space and what coordinates? As Aardvajk mentions, you can create a vector from the mouse position. But you're only doing calcs for one end of that vector. A more common approach is:

1. construct the pickRayViewSpace vector as you have, except use the viewport width and height, rather than SCREEN_WIDTH and _HEIGHT. That may be one source of error.

2. calculate the inverse of the view matrix, call it m.

3. construct two vectors:

// abbreviate pickRayViewSpace as v for notational ease

rayOrigin = ( m._41, m._42, m._43, 1); // or m(3, 0), m(3,1), m(3,2) if you prefer

rayDir.x = v.x * m._11 + v.y * m._21 + v.z * m._31;

rayDir.y = v.x * m._12 + v.y * m._22 + v.z * m._32;

rayDir.z = v.x * m._13 + v.y * m._23 + v.z * m._33;

rayDir.w = 0;

4. If desired, convert to world space (if world matrix is not Identity)

rayOrigin = Transform( rayOrigin, worldMat );

rayDir = TransformNormal( rayDir, worldMat );

4. create your vertex choosing a distance D from the view origin (in world units)

new_vertex = rayOrigin + D*rayDir;

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the forums for everyone's benefit, and I can embarrass myself publicly.

You don't forget how to play when you grow old; you grow old when you forget how to play.

XNA? You're using DirectXMath, are you not? The docs say "This parameter can be a nullptr."

Not constructive to the posted problem, but XNAMath/DirectXMath (both use an XM prefix, so it could be either iteration) have some incorrect documentation as to when a parameter can or can't accept nullptr. I wish I had the code at my fingertips so I could give you some specific examples, but I've definitely run into issues where documentation says it will accept a nullptr on an "optional" parameter and in reality that crashes, or where it says that it requires valid memory and nullptr works just fine.

Not to say that you shouldn't pass nullptr in the case the documentation is correct, but it's possible this is being done with good reason.

but it's possible this is being done with good reason.

Your post is correct. In fact, XMMatrixInverse( nullptr, mat ) does result in an assertion failure. ohmy.png

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the forums for everyone's benefit, and I can embarrass myself publicly.

You don't forget how to play when you grow old; you grow old when you forget how to play.

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