Mad question- how to reconstrught height map from normal map

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5 comments, last by ybungalobill 8 years, 4 months ago

I know it is not possible in an exact definitive proper way, but what could be possibly done to reconstruct height map information to reflect the normal map, so that if a normal map was to be created from this generated height information, it would be matching the sourcing normal map?

You may consider this being done from an object space normals map, or tangent space normals map maped on a surface. Any idea would be awesome

You might check out this by Dave Eberly. Basically, you do need to know a few things about the original height map in order to deconstruct it correctly. A normal map essentially encodes the derivative (or slope) of a surface at a discrete point. The two common methods of calculating this slope from the source height map are to calculate it from (x+1-x), (y+1-y) or from ((x+1)-(x-1)), ((y+1)-(y-1)). The linked document calls these One-Sided Difference Approximations and Centered Difference Approximations. The first calculates the slope from the point at the current location subtracted from the point 1 step to the left and the point one step above, while the centered method calculates the slope at the point from the 2 points bracketing it along each axis. Each method can result in a slightly different normal. For example, consider if the given point in a heightmap is a high "spike" bracketed by lower points. The one-sided method will take into account the height of the spike, resulting in a shallower normal, while the centered method will ignore the spike, resulting in a steeper normal for what it perceives to be a flatter surface. So if you reconstruct a one-sided difference normal map using the centered technique, the reconstructed heightmap won't be quite the same. Still, your state criteria is that the reconstructed heightmap should result in a matching normal map to the one it was reconstructed from, and this should be the case.

Note that as the article indicates, there are an infinite number of potential source heightmaps that can result in a given normal map, given that the normal is a representation merely of the slope of the surface, and says nothing about the height of the surface above 0. But this really shouldn't be an issue for you, as it's easy enough to just reconstruct the heightmap assuming a constant offset of 0.

Additionally, you do need to know if the normal map was generated using wrapping at the map edges, or if it was generated by clamping the edges. Seamlessly tiling normal maps, for example, will calculate the boundary normals by wrapping around to the opposite edge of the source map.

Are you planning on doing this in real-time in a shader? I ask because that could result in quite a performance hit. Also, if you are not doing it in a shader, there is software that can already re-build height maps for you, given an obvious height scale parameter. It's important to note that if you are mapping something like stone, where one "bump" in the normal map might have the same slope as another, you will end up with the same height at those two different places because the curvature is the same and there's no way to know without the original height map where the slope ends in height at those distinct spots.

Douglas Eugene Reisinger II
Projects/Profile Site

Oh, yeah, doing this in a shader probably wouldn't work that well. The algorithm detailed in the paper begins at the top left pixel and calculates an entire row. Any given pixel relies on knowing the value of preceding pixels, so it kind of takes you out of the realm of something easily done in a shader.

Oh, yeah, doing this in a shader probably wouldn't work that well. The algorithm detailed in the paper begins at the top left pixel and calculates an entire row. Any given pixel relies on knowing the value of preceding pixels, so it kind of takes you out of the realm of something easily done in a shader.

Thanks, nope, this would be done offline, as a single make operation, so perfect CPU utilization is in place, no need to use GPU to speed up a single operation, even if it was done outside of the production. Great paper, thanks

First, apologies. I'm aware that this topic is a bit old. Yet, for the sake of future googlers, I would like to contribute the following solution.

Note that the code linked by agleed is a correct iterative algorithm for the height-map reconstruction, but it is really slow in convergence. This is not a surprise at all, doing 100 iteration, for example, means that each normal-map pixel contributes only to the neighbourhood within 100 pixel from it.

The following code utilizes FFT to compute the optimal solution in one shot:

#include <fftw3.h>
#include <complex>
#include <vector>

void reconstruct_height_map(const float *normal, float *dx, float *dy, int width, int height, float *result)
    typedef std::complex<float> C;
    fftwf_plan plan;

    std::vector<float> nx(width*height), ny(width*height);
    for(int y = 0, i = 0; y < height; ++y)
    for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x, ++i, normal += 3)
        nx[i] = normal[0]/normal[2], ny[i] = normal[1]/normal[2];

    const int half_width = width/2 + 1;
    std::vector<C> Nx(half_width*height), Ny(half_width*height);
    std::vector<C> Dx(half_width*height), Dy(half_width*height);

    plan = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_2d(height, width, &nx[0], (fftwf_complex*)&Nx[0], FFTW_ESTIMATE);
    fftwf_execute_dft_r2c(plan, &nx[0], (fftwf_complex*)&Nx[0]);
    fftwf_execute_dft_r2c(plan, &ny[0], (fftwf_complex*)&Ny[0]);
    fftwf_execute_dft_r2c(plan, &dx[0], (fftwf_complex*)&Dx[0]);
    fftwf_execute_dft_r2c(plan, &dy[0], (fftwf_complex*)&Dy[0]);

    std::vector<C> F(half_width*height);
    for(int y = 0, i = 0; y < height; ++y)
    for(int x = 0; x < half_width; ++x, ++i)
        float denom = width * height * (norm(Dx[i]) + norm(Dy[i]));
        F[i] = denom > 0 ? - (Dx[i] * Nx[i] + Dy[i] * Ny[i]) / denom : 0;

    plan = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_2d(height, width, (fftwf_complex*)&F[0], &result[0], FFTW_ESTIMATE);

void reconstruct_height_map1(const float *normal, int width, int height, float *result)
    std::vector<float> dx(width*height), dy(width*height);
    dx[0] = 1, dx[1] = -1;
    dy[0] = 1, dy[width] = -1;
    reconstruct_height_map(normal, &dx[0], &dy[0], width, height, result);

void reconstruct_height_map2(const float *normal, int width, int height, float *result)
    std::vector<float> dx(width*height), dy(width*height);
    dx[width-1] = 1, dx[1] = -1;
    dy[width*(height-1)] = 1, dy[width] = -1;
    reconstruct_height_map(normal, &dx[0], &dy[0], width, height, result);

(Source and the math behind this is available at

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