Issues with libzip

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-1 comments, last by Vincent_M 8 years, 12 months ago

I'm currently trying to open a zip archive, create another zip archive in another folder, and copy each file in the source archive over to the new zip archive file-by-file. Right now, I have that sort of working, but I can't open the zip archives on my Mac. It keeps telling me "Error 2 - No such file or directory". To me, it sounds like a handle or pointer in libzip isn't getting closed after I'm done using it.

Here's my code:

void ProcessZipArchive(std::string filename)
	int err = 0;
	std::string entryFilename;
	std::string outputArchivePath = directoryPath + OUTPUT_NAME + "/" + filename;
	// open the original archive path
	inputArchive = zip_open((directoryPath + filename).c_str(), 0, &err);
	if(!inputArchive || err != ZIP_ER_OK)
		printf("ERROR: an error occurred opening zip archive (%i)\n", err);
	// create the output archive
	outputArchive = zip_open(outputArchivePath.c_str(), ZIP_CREATE, &err);
	if(!outputArchive || err != ZIP_ER_OK)
		printf("ERROR: an error occurred creating output zip archive: %s (%i)\n", outputArchivePath.c_str(), err);
	// get the number of files
	int numFiles = (int)zip_get_num_entries(inputArchive, ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED);
	if(numFiles == -1)
		printf("bad archive (-1)\n");
	// iterate all files
	printf("  numFiles: %i\n", numFiles);
	for(int i=0;i<numFiles;++i)
		// get the  current entry's name, and check if it's a PNG image
		entryFilename = zip_get_name(inputArchive, i, ZIP_FL_ENC_RAW);
		if(compressTexture && GetFileExtension(entryFilename) == "png")
			// do special processing here...
		} else
			CopyFile(entryFilename, i);
	// close the archive
		err = zip_close(inputArchive);
		if(err != 0)
			zip_error_get(inputArchive, &err, NULL);
			printf("ERROR: could not close input archive (%i)  %s\n", err, zip_strerror(inputArchive));
		} else
			inputArchive = nullptr;
	// close the output archive
		err = zip_close(outputArchive);
		if(err != 0)
			int sysErr = 0;
			zip_error_get(outputArchive, &err, &sysErr);
			printf("ERROR: could not close output archive (%i)  %s\n", sysErr, zip_strerror(outputArchive));
		} else
			outputArchive = nullptr;
void CopyFile(std::string filename, int index)
	// create the source
	zip_source *source = zip_source_zip(outputArchive, inputArchive, index, 0, 0, -1);
		printf("ERROR: could not create source\n");
	// write the file to the output archive
	int outputIndex = (int)zip_file_add(outputArchive, filename.c_str(), source, ZIP_FL_ENC_UTF_8);
	printf("    created new file: %s (%i)\n", filename.c_str(), outputIndex);

I'm pretty sure the issue with my zip_source object. I'm using zip_source_zip to copy a file from the original archive to the new archive. If I replace zip_source_zip with zip_source_buffer, and just supply a random 4-byte buffer, everything works. I can open the archives, and all the files are 4 bytes large haha.

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