Help with limit game object transform limit scale with touch

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0 comments, last by Nypyren 8 years, 9 months ago

This is my c# script , i want to limit game object transform scale.

 void Update () {
  int fingersOnScreen=0;
  float scaleFactor=0.0f;

  foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches) {
   fingersOnScreen++; //Count fingers (or rather touches) on screen as you iterate through all screen touches.
   //You need two fingers on screen to pinch.
   if(fingersOnScreen == 2){

    //First set the initial distance between fingers so you can compare.
    if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began){
     initialFingersDistance = Vector2.Distance(Input.touches[0].position, Input.touches[1].position);
     t.text =transform.localScale.x.ToString();
     initialScale = transform.localScale;
     float currentFingersDistance  = Vector2.Distance(Input.touches[0].position, Input.touches[1].position);

     scaleFactor  = currentFingersDistance / initialFingersDistance;
        transform.localScale = initialScale * scaleFactor;



if (initialScale * scaleFactor > something)

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