PeekMessage changed in Windows 10?

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12 comments, last by rave3d 8 years, 8 months ago

I think you misunderstood samoth's post.. at least unless I completely missed the point. He says it's easy to get an impression from MSDN that couldn't possibly be true..


I think you misunderstood samoth's post.. at least unless I completely missed the point. He says it's easy to get an impression from MSDN that couldn't possibly be true..

If so then my sarcasm meter is broken today... (which is entirely possible, it's been a long week)

whereas the ones sent on starting the app for example are probably sent by a separate thread that handles the starting of that particular program (cursor turns to hour-glass and the app has 10 seconds I think to set up properly and become response, and otherwise you get "unresponsive" notifications if there's a window and waiting is stopped).

In my experience the hung app notification is triggered if an app hasn't responded to any posted message within around 10 seconds.

You'll also notice that C++ programs built with the debug profile in visual studio may not trigger the hung app notification whilst release mode programs do.

This is again one of those things that are undocumented and I noticed this whilst debugging a badly behaved loading screen.

Just thought you might find this useful! :)

I initially encountered this behavior in Win7 when I found that I couldn't catch certain messages outside of the proc. (It looks like you may be trying to do the same thing I was trying to do, actually.)

void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

I can understand how this confusion can be happen.

There are lots of tutorials out in the internet using PeekMessage just as the OP does. Most of them never mention that PeekMessage automatically dispatches the messages.

So someone start as a little programmer having even difficulties with the language itself and relies on the tutorial and it just works.

If you use something for years in a specific way and it works, you are never going to read API documentation until the first time it fails.

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