Octree Frustrum Culling

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14 comments, last by ????????? ????? 8 years, 7 months ago

"Simply not worth the cost just to avoid drawing a few off-screen triangles" - THAT

I do not agree. You cant say that because you may be sending 100% of the model when you are actually seeing 5%. If the calculations per vertex are expensive or you are GPU bound (saying that cause my GPU is not the greatest and doing extra stuff seems to be unnecessary

It's not very good for overall conversation that you split quote like that.

Actual quote should be:

Subdividing meshes at run-time is overkill and simply not worth the cost just to avoid drawing a few off-screen triangles.

Which has totally different meaning.

But back to the point. There was great presentation at siggraph from Ubisoft. http://advances.realtimerendering.com/s2015/aaltonenhaar_siggraph2015_combined_final_footer_220dpi.pdf

They are doing super precise frustum and occlusion culling on gpu. Using just 64 triangle strips as primitives. But the conclusion was bit disappointing because they didn't get huge overall gains even after all that effort.


Yea but i specifically said in my first post that the octrees wont be created at run time cause we are talking about static geometry. I am sorry if the quote wasn't very accurate.

Anyway i was looking on a way to actually draw a specified range from a vbo, how would that work. Currently i am having the geometry of a given object split in the leafs of an octree. So i should be having some range from where i want to draw from the VBO in each leaf

You can store multiple meshes within one VBO. A VBO is just a memory allocation -- like malloc or new char[].

You don't have to draw the entire contents of a VBO -- you can specify an offset to start reading triangles from, and how many triangles to draw.

Also, you can use an index buffer.

In your situation, you can have the entire mesh stored in one VBO, and then every frame you would produce a new index buffer, which only contains the indices of the triangles that you would like to draw, and then issue one draw-call using all of those indices.

Alternatively, you don't need to dynamically create any data each frame -- just put all the triangles into one VBO, and all the indices into one IBO -- but with each 'leaf' occupying a different sub-section of that IBO. You then issue one draw-call per leaf, which specifies the IBO offset for that leaf, and number of vertices in the leaf.

Anyway i was looking on a way to actually draw a specified range from a vbo, how would that work.

VBO + IBO: https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/html/glDrawElementsBaseVertex.xhtml
VBO Only: https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/html/glVertexAttribPointer.xhtml (Specify the offset into the VBO in the pointer parameter).

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCtX_wedtZ5BoyQBXEhnVZw/playlists?view=1&sort=lad&flow=grid

Thanks , i was away for a while. But i was wondering, since my geometry is split between all leaves, so each leaf has some chunk of the terrain vertices (for now just vertices,no indices involved to avoid complications). So i am using flat out buffer where all vertices are ordered according to the indices, ready to be drawn. But since my geometry is split , how sould i specifiy offsets to the glVertexAttribPointer (or rather how would one obtain those offsets per leaf)

Thanks !

how sould i specifiy offsets to the glVertexAttribPointer

I told you. Pass the byte offset as the argument for pointer.

	::glVertexAttribPointer( X,
		reinterpret_cast<LSUINT8 *>(null_ptr) + START_VERT_ELEMENT * m_ui32Stride );

(or rather how would one obtain those offsets per leaf)

That is up to you based on how you create the slices in the terrain, which I still heavily advise against doing.
Again, it’s just a poor man’s BSP tree. Simply less efficient and frankly an “abuse” of octrees.

And in regards specifically to terrain, you are way off the mark.

I already linked to GeoClipmap and GeoMipmap terrain methods and explicitly stated it is not only fine but encouraged to use a separate culling routine for terrain.

There is a reason games don’t do what you are trying to do, and as someone who specializes in optimizations and performance I feel dirty helping you in this topic because I know it will be your only implementation and thus your final implementation. You aren’t going to implement multiple methods and compare them, you’re just going to assume your way is best and never know reality.

I just feel dirty here.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCtX_wedtZ5BoyQBXEhnVZw/playlists?view=1&sort=lad&flow=grid

As i told you above i have implemented the culling on object/mesh level , and i am sattisfied with it . I want to try and go deeper and see what i can do , if it does not work,if i dont see any performance gain i will not use it ofcourse. I think your attitude is a little passive aggressive , instead of an answer i get some bull and you are wasting your and mine time.

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